Baby Bump

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Mikasa tossed and turned in bed, she had woken up and now couldn't get back to sleep. Just as she was about to settle something stirred in her stomach and she found herself running to the bathroom. Mikasa was cursed with morning sickness, how unfortunate. The foul liquid passed through her lips and in the toilet bowl. Careful she rubbed around her mouth, clearing away any of the sick that may have stuck. As she stood up she wobbled and before leaving she flushed the toilet. Mikasa re-entered her bedroom and crawled back into bed. "Are you alright Mikasa?"  Eren asked as he rolled over to face her. She nodded and then proceeded to cuddle him, burying her face into his chest. Eren stroked Mikasa's soft black hair, he understands that it's a difficult time for her. 

They cuddled for quite a while until Eren told her that he need to get ready for work, he works at Starbucks. Mikasa sighed rolled over letting him go, she didn't went him to leave at all. Leaving her there Eren kissed Mikasa's fore head before saying good bye and leaving. After he left so got out of bed and got dressed, into reasonably baggy clothes. Slow she waddled down the stairs and into the kitchen where she'd make herself breakfast which would be bran flakes and banana. Tightly holding the bowl she went into the living room and sat down on the cushiony sofa. Her legs have been aching a lot lately but that is normal since she's carry another little being. Well, the scan actually shows that it's two beings, they're having twins. Eating her cereal she quickly turned the T.V, not bothered about the channel that she was on, she just wanted noise to fill the void. But soon she grew bored of just sitting about so Mikasa decided to get up and go for a walk, maybe to the park or something.

Mikasa changed into more presentable clothes before leaving. She really liked going on walks, she likes them best when it's her and Eren but he has work today so she's going solo. The sun was shining brightly and she was bathed in the light. The birds sang as she strolled through the lush green park. Going by the lake she saw the willow tree that her and Eren would always sit under when they were in high school. The memories were sweet and warm, she wanted to sit with him under that tree so bad badly. But instead of dwelling on that thought she searched for the closest bench since her legs were getting tired. Waddling to the closest bench that she could find she sighed, everything was so difficult and tiring. Mikasa place her hand on her baby bump, to think they'll be out any time now. They hadn't really thought about names yet but Mikasa liked Brock and Verity, that would probably be their names since Eren didn't have any ideas for names and they knew that they'd be maternal twins. Her stomach felt tight for a few seconds but after that it went away. 

Slowly and carefully she got up, she wanted to see Eren so she headed towards town but she didn't need to go far because as she came away from where she was a certain brown hair male bumping into her. "Mikasa!" Eren smiled. "Why aren't you at work?" Mikasa asked. "They changed todays shifts so the new-bees could get used to serving so I have the rest of the day off" Eren grinned. Mikasa just hugged him, she used him to keep her standing straight. As Mikasa hugged Eren his eyes trailed over to the willow tree, maybe they could sit there he thought. "Mikasa, do you want to sit under the willow tree?" he asked sweetly. She nodded and held his hand, it was just like they were in high school again. Taking their time they walked over to the willow tree where they sat down under its cool shade. Mikasa still had a hold of Eren's hand, it made her feel secure. They sat in silence but it was a comfortable silence, they both had a lot on their minds. The tight feeling in Mikasa's stomach came back briefly. It bothered her a bit but she decided to brush it off as nothing.

It seemed like hours before one of them spoke, "Are you feeling okay Mikasa?" Eren asked. Mikasa looked uncomfortable and a bit tense. She nodded, "I'm fine". Eren sighed he didn't believe her but he thought he'd let her off, so to say. She rested her head on Eren's shoulder and closed her eyes just enjoying the peace of the moment. But quickly the peace was broken, she squirmed around in discomfort. "Mikasa wants wrong? And don't say you are fine!" Eren said now bothered. Mikasa sigh, she didn't want to worry Eren. "My stomach felt tight, but that's all" she told him trying to sound reassuring. Eren gave her the 'I'm still worried' look. She honestly did think it was a problem so she didn't try to make it one. They sat there a little longer and every few minutes Mikasa would move a little and squirm, that happened up until Eren couldn't take it. "I think we should be going, don't you?". Mikasa smiled and nodded, "Sure, yeah" 

Eren got up first so that he could help Mikasa up but once he helped her it happened, Mikasa's water broke. Eren started freaking out, "Omg Mikasa! We need to get you to a hospital, NOW!" Of course Mikasa was that one to get every thing in gear, since they were too far away from home to get back and drive to a hospital she phoned an ambulance. This was really happening, Mikasa is really going to give birth.

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