Cut Out

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Upon arriving home Hanji had phoned Petra, explaining that it maybe a while before they meet up because some 'issues' have come up. Isabel was in her crib at the moment, meaning it was just Erwin and Hanji. It was silent in the living room, maybe this was Hanji's chance to voice her concerns. The pair were sat and each end of the sofa, the space between them was like a void in which everything may feel into, words, thoughts, possibly even feelings. The silence grew heavy and it was only about time that one of them would crack and say something but it seemed like this was some kind of contest to see who could bottle it up for longer, one which neither would enjoy winning. "Erwin..." Hanji said making the first move. He made eye contact show that she had his attention and that he was listening. 

"I'm worried" She said simply to him. "What's worrying you?" Erwin asked as his icy blue hues pierced her confidence. "W-well, you're seeming distant. Actually its more like you have a problem and you don't want to share it!" Hanji forced out. Despite the fact that Hanji's concern was more than clear and that Erwin knew that saying he was okay would only further that concern however he insisted that everything was okay. Hanji felt has if she was trying to tear down the wall between then but the wall has so high as so difficult to break, at this moment it seemed unbreakable. "Okay... If you say so" she mumbled in response. And almost on cue Isabel began to cry and Erwin said he'd go see to her. That left Hanji all alone again, giving her a chance to come to terms with all the thoughts going around in her head.

I don't understand why he's building a wall between us, it makes no sense! He was so positive and supporting but then he saw Isabel for the first and... Who knows what happened in that head of his... But whatever did it was certainly not for the best and I want it to end as soon as possible but these things are a difficult to deal with and normally take time...

Hanji sat back on the sofa, taking her glasses off and rubbing her eyes. She felt an awful mixture of tiredness, stress and this lingering sadness about her current situation. She should be happy, she has a beautiful, healthy daughter but yet she doesn't. Hanji just wanted to go to bed so that she could just lay there and not have to care but unfortunately she could not do so. The crying had stopped and she expected to she Erwin again and the other end of the sofa probably letting something fester in his mind. However he didn't dawn the living room again but instead she heard him go into the kitchen. And promptly after she heard the kettle boiling and clinking of a mug, he was being sweet and making her tea, that at least what she guessed. Hanji's guess turned out to be right, Erwin had come back in with her pink mug and had given it to her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked seeing that she looked quite drained. "I'm tired..." she responded simply. "How about you get some rest soon? I'm you've been through a lot..." Erwin going to stroke her hair. She had wanted to shy away from him but she then decide it'd be best not to. "I want to but it's not fair on you..." she replied. Erwin just shook his head, "I'll be fine! Don't worry!" Hanji reluctantly agreed and got up off the cushy sofa, going to her room. 

The brunette got undressed, having no energy to put her clothes and thuslly dumping it on the floor. She then proceeded to pick up one of Erwin's t-shirts that he'd left on the floor as what could only be presumed as a rush and put it on since it'd be baggy and comfy, and yes, Hanji and Erwin have been sleeping in the same bed recently.  The next thing the female did was almost literally crawl into bed, it was cold and almost felt like a rock. She pulled the duvet over her and tried to rest however once she closed her eyes and settled all her thoughts whirled around in her head. All of them connecting to her brand new problem and Hanji tried desperately to block the latter of them out. But all attempts seemed fruitless, the poor girl felt like crying, it stressed her out so much. All of her stressing soon wore her out, nothing was quite intense as before. Hanji's eye lids became heavy and she finally dropped off, the sweet escape of slumber now her's.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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