My new life

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"PAIGE!" My mom shouts. I don't answer because I am still mad at her for making me leave every single one of my friends in Virginia. She finally gets to the steps after calling my name a couple of times. "Yes mom!" I say back to her. "Come on, you are going to be late for your new dance class." I get to the top of the steps and tell her:I already said I don't want to go, I was fine at the dance studio I was at in Virginia until you made me leave. "Paige I get it, I am not happy that I had to leave my home town trust me, but do you really think that we have time to keep crying about this, Paige we have to just let go." The words let go hit me so hard I almost cried. "But mom I can't its so hard I can't reach any of my friends and my boyfriend is now gone out of my life I mean what in that sentence is easy to let go." She saw my eyes getting red and told me to go outside and breath. After a few minutes I heard a crowd of people I looked up and and saw a group of people running to a house as I walked over closer to the crowd my heart stopped and all I could do was stare."OMG! It's Team 10!

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