Chapter 4

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I picked Amelia up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her inside and kissed me again. She so pretty. She moved her hair out of the way and grabbed my face and kissed me. I laid her down on the bed and she kissed me more. Her phone started to ring. She sat up.
"Ughhhh," she said and grabbed her phone, "ugh it's Meredith."
I answered the phone.
(Phone call)
M- Meredith
B- Bailey
A- Amelia
M: hey sorry Amelia but I don't know if ur coming home but Bailey really wants you to say goodnight
A: okay I might spend the night at Owens and put him on the phone
M: okay
B: hi aunt Amelia
A: hi Bailey! Are you ready for bed?
B: yeah, I wanted to say goodnight
A: okay goodnight Bailey I love you
B: goodnight!
A: goodnight bud
I hung up and Owen smiled at me.
"You're really cute with kids," he said.
"Thanks," I said, blushing.
"So you're spending the night?" He smiled.
"Well I mean if it's okay with you," I said.
"It's fine with me," I said. We crawled into bed. I was so tired.
"Goodnight," Owen said as he kissed my shoulder.
"Night," I said shutting the light off.
"Owen Owen Owen Owen wake up please," Amelia said shaking me. I opened my eyes and she was crying.
"Amelia what's wrong?" I said hugging her.
"Owen, I-I had a really bad nightmare, I sorry I woke you," she said crying.
"It's okay," I said cuddling her, "do you wanna talk about it?"
"Not right now," she said crying into my shirt.
"Okay," I rubbed her back. I ran my fingers through her dark brown hair. She looked up at me.
"Thank you," she said.
"Anytime," I smiled at her.
"I love you Owen Hunt," she said with a smile.
"God I love that smile, I love you too Amelia Shepherd," I smiled back and kissed her lips. I held her close to me and watched her until she fell asleep.
"Amelia," I whispered. She was passed out on my chest. I closed my eyes and leaned into her.
I woke up with my head on Owens bare chest. He had his arms wrapped around me. He started to stir.
"Morning," he said. I kissed his cheek and rolled over.
"Good morning," I said smiling. He got up and put a shirt on. I got up and put my hair in a bun and brushed my teeth.
"You're gorgeous Amelia," Owen said pulling me into a hug. I started blushing.
"Thanks," I kissed his cheek. He made us eggs and I got ready for work. We ate breakfast together and he got dressed for work. I was sitting at his kitchen table. I love Owen. I've finally found someone I love. I haven't told Owen about my past. I'm starting to feel guilty. Owen came out of the bathroom and smiled at me. I need to tell him.
"Owen," I said. He could sense the serious tone in my voice.
"Amelia what's wrong?" he said sitting down next to me.
"Owen I need to tell you something, and it's not going to be easy," I said.
"Okay, take your time," he said putting his arm around me.
"Owen I had a really dark past, and I-I was a drug addict, but I've stopped I promise, I'm sober," I said almost crying.
"Okay okay," he said.
"I've been sober for 1,321 days," I said.
"That's good, and I'll be here for you if you ever need to talk or need help," he said.
"Thank you," I said. He leaned in and kissed me. I passionately kissed him back. He moved closer to me and I grabbed his face. My pager started beeping.
"Ugh duty calls," I said getting up. Owen put his arm around me and we got in his truck.
"What are you doing tonight?" Owen asked.
"I'm watching Mer's kids tonight, her and Maggie are going to be on call tonight," I said.
"Oh," I said.
"You can still come over the kids love you," I said.
"Okay meet after shifts?" he asked.
"Sounds good," I said. We got to the hospital and I rushed in as my pager kept going off. There was a massive car crash and I needed a bunch of consults. The day went by so slow. It was around lunch time and I saw Meredith sitting with Riggs. She looks really happy. Maggie walked by.
"Hey you're watching Zola, Bailey, and Ellis tonight right," she asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"How was it with Owen?" she raised an eyebrow.
"We did not do what you're thinking!" I hit her arm.
"Yeah okay," she hit me back.
"I swear!" We both started laughing.
"Whatever you say," she said.
"So, Riggs and Mer?" I said.
"Yeah," she said, "so back to you and Owen." She laughed.
"Do you think Mer would have a problem with Owen coming over tonight?" I asked.
"Depends if you're planning on having sex," she laughed and threw a chart at me.
"We're not!" I laughed and threw the chart back. My phone buzzed multiple times.
"You got a hot date?" Maggie laughed.
"Go sleep with DeLuca," I laughed and walked away.
"Not funny!" She laughed harder. I walked down the hall to Owens office. I knocked on the door.
"It's open," he said. I opened the door and locked it behind me.
"Hi chief Hunt," I said.
"Dr.Shepherd, can I help you?" He smiled.
He got up and I stood on my tipy toes to kiss him. He lifted me up and kissed me passionately.
"Owen we can't do this here," I said in between kisses. His hands went up the back of my shirt. I pulled his shirt off.
"God you're so hot Dr.Hunt," I whispered in his ear. He had me up against the wall and kissed me more. I put my fingers on the loops of his jeans. I pulled him close and his body was against mine. He cupped my face and kissed me more. God he was so hot. Both of our pagers started going off.
"No no no," I said.
"Finish this later?" He said.
"Definitely," I kissed him one more time. I grabbed my pager and jacket and left the door.
God he's so hot.

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