Chapter 15

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"How many days late?" She looked at me.
"4," I said.
"Oh my god have you taken a test," she said.
"No I'm too scared," I said.
"Have you talked to Owen?" She said.
"No," I said.
"You should," she hugged me.
"I'm scared Mer, what if I'm pregnant?" I said nervously.
"Talk to him," she said.
"Okay," I said. I've already been here for 27 hours.
"Drive me home?" I asked.
"Sure," she said. I changed and walked out with her. She drove me over and I opened the trailer door.
"Hey honey, long shift?" Owen was sitting at the table.
"Yeah," I said hanging my coat up.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"Amelia," he said.
"Owen I think I could be pregnant," I said quickly.
"Did you take a test?" He said.
"No," I said nervously, "I have a test."
"Okay do you want to take it?" He said calmly.
"Yeah I'll be right back," I said.
"Okay," I walked to the bathroom. I found the test in the draw. I opened the box and took the test out.
"Breathe Amelia," I said quietly. I took the test and waited. I looked down at the test. I'm pregnant. I put my hand over my mouth.
"Owen!!!" I yelled. He opened the door. I held the test up. He picked me up and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He broke the kiss and smiled at me.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said.
"Can we talk about baby names?" He smiled.
"Sure," I smiled, "wait I have to call Meredith first."
"Okay," he smiled.
Phone call
A: Mer guess what!!!
M: did you take a test?
A: yes! I'm pregnant!
M: oh my god!!
A: yeah
M: I'll keep it a secret don't worry
A: thank you!
M: no problem
I hung up and looked at Owen.
"We're gonna have a baby," I smiled.
"We're gonna have a baby," he pressed his lips against mine.
"Baby names?" I said.
"Sure," he smiled. I leaned into him.
"If it's a boy I want to name him Derek," I said looking up at me.
"Okay," he said stroking my hair.
"What about for a girl?" I said.
"I like Emma," he said.
"Emma's cute," I said, "can we wait to tell people?"
"Sure," he said.
"Owen?" I looked up at him.
"Yeah sweetheart," he said.
"Can we get married?" I said. I sat up and looked at him.
"Yeah," he said.
"So did I just steal your thunder of proposing," I laughed.
"I'm still gonna propose," he laughed.
"Okay," I smiled, "I'm really excited."
"Me too," he pulled me into his lap.

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