Chapter 1 (Part 4)

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Metch lifted his head after hearing the branches rustle. He pricked his ears when he saw Belike slipping out of the den, the pup trying and failing at being quiet at the beginning of the sun-up. The three pups had begun to gain their adult markings, and just like Metch had feared, Belike's fur began to look exactly like the wounds he had given her.

No, that was Razorblood.

Metch growled to himself. Metch could hear the mentioned black wolf chuckle but made no move as Metch slipped out after her. Metch's fur had indeed begun to get white streaks, but like Razorblood had said, his only black fur covered them up. Metch heard a wolf sigh, and sent a glance toward the noise, seeing Foloo stir slightly. Her white pelt was as white as ever, and he nose was even slightly pink. Moonech had already asked Tamka about it, and now the wolves knew Foloo was albino, a kind of sickness that only changes a wolf's looks, and sometimes can make a pup blind, like Foloo. The pup's eyes had also begun to change, Belike's were green, and Metch's had changed gold.

Metch slunk toward Belike the last few paw steps, shaking his fur out slightly to discard the thoughts. Finally, he pounced on her, causing her to let out a surprised yelp.


Belike yelped, gazing up at Metch as he pinned her down quickly. He let a victorious smile land on his muzzle, and she narrowed her eyes playfully. She soon squirmed out of his grip, before nipping his ear and bounding a little ways away before turning back to him and play-bowing. Metch launched himself at her, and the two were soon tumbling over one another excitedly. It wasn't long until Metch saw Foloo slip out of the Care Place to find the source of the noise, and she sat down watching them carefully. While Metch was distracted, Belike pinned him down, victory shining in her green eyes. Moonech suddenly trotted out of the Care Place, looking at one of the nearby trees and tearing a branch off before turning back to the pups.

"Pups, let's see if you can keep up with me!"

Metch and Belike pricked their ears in interest, then Moonech began running while dragging the branch around, causing the leaves the drag tantalizingly, moving like prey. Belike soon began chasing Moonech and the leaves, while Metch felt blood begin pumping through his paws, almost like he was preparing himself for battle. He leaped up and began chasing the branch as well, and as he grew closer and closer, he could hear the blood pumping in his ears, the taste of blood, the thought of victory. His attention suddenly shifted from the leaves to the tail nearby, waving right in front of his nose, like prey. He snapped at it when suddenly he was swatted away by the branch and tripped over his paws. He saw Belike swerve around him, glancing at him quickly before resuming her chase.

He had to fight off the urge to snap at her when he heard a chuckle in the back of his mind.

Why can't you just leave me alone?

Metch growled in his mind. He heard another chuckle, this time it had more of a growl.

"I have not controlled you all sun-up Metch seems as if my influence is taking a toll on you."

Metch froze. Had he been the one to do all those things? Those were his thoughts?

He was yanked out of his mind when he felt a nudge and leaped up to see Moonech standing above him, fear and caution glittering her blue eyes.

"That was fun!"

He yipped, trying to sound as innocent as possible. He could tell Moonech didn't believe him and flicked his ear before gazing at his paws.

"I'm glad you had fun Metch."

Foloo barked beside him, licking him between the ears. Metch smiled at her, and he could see happiness in her sightless blue eyes.

She doesn't know what I tried to do.

He thought, slight fear beginning its crawl through his fur.

We need to ask her if she can see Razor.

Metch reminded himself, looking at Belike. Moonech began nudging the pups back to the den, ushering them into their nests. Metch pretended to fall asleep, and when he heard the others begin to snore, he lifted his head up. Metch glanced around, checked Moonech was asleep, then slunk toward Belike. The black and white pup had her eyes closed, but Metch could tell by her twitching tail she wasn't asleep.


Metch whispered. He swatted at her nose. Belike's eyes opened and she blinked when she realized it was Metch.


She asked, glancing at Kikaila before slinking out of her nest.

"We need to ask Foloo about Razorblood."

"The evil wolf?"

Belike glanced at the two mother wolves, then back at Metch.


Metch glanced at Moonech, then back at Belike.

"Yes now, we can go outside."

Belike glanced at everyone in the den then snapped,

"Fine. I'll wake her up."

Metch nodded and began to slip out of the den, and Belike trotted toward Foloo.

Metch heard Belike tell Foloo,

"Wake up, it's important."

Finally, Metch saw the two pups slip outside, and Foloo sniffed the air.

"Metch! What's going on?"

She tilted her head. Metch licked her ears then turned back toward the Tunnel.

"Follow me."

Metch lead them around he Camp barrier, skirting the edge and making sure no wolf saw them. When they made it out Metch brought them a little farther into the trees, then the three hid under a bush.

"Now what?"

Belike asked, irritation glistening her eyes.

"Now we ask her."

Metch said simply, looking at Foloo.

"Ask me what?"

Foloo asked, curiosity tugging her yip. Metch took a deep breath before asking,

"Foloo, you can see Sky Pack wolves, right?"

The white pup smiled.

"That's what they say! And everybody has a friend so I can see where you are! Like for Belike, it's a little gray and white pup, for Moonech it's two wolves, one black and one white and for Metch..."

Foloo seemed to be confused as her excited barking stopped suddenly.

"I-I'm not sure."

Foloo pinned her ears back and looked at her paws.


Pressed Belike. Foloo looked up, her eyes glittering with confusion and slight fear.

"Metch...doesn't have one."

Foloo shut her eyes as tight as she could.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Metch pinned his ears back and looked down. Belike glanced at him, then back at Foloo.

"Are you sure? It's not just...a wolf you can't see?"

Foloo looked at Belike, her muzzle sad.

"Yes, th-there's nothing there."

Foloo stuttered, staring at Metch. Foloo blinked, then looked at her paws.

"I'm sorry."

Metch smiled softly and licked her head.

"Hey, it's not your fault. I'm sure there's a reason."

Metch looked up from Foloo and locked eyes with Belike.

Sadly I already know why.

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