Chapter 6

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Wind Season

Metch sat in the middle of camp, waiting for the mid-rank ceremony to begin. Laki was finally becoming a mid-rank, and her blue eyes were glowing excitedly as she trotted toward Nanuk. Laki's pelt was now covered in beautiful black fur. A black stripe went down her back, and she had a black muzzle as well as black paws. Her eyes had stayed the beautiful sparkling blue, and Metch smiled as she said,

"I do."

"You are now a mid-rank wolf, and will be until decided otherwise."

The wolves around Laki howled their agreement, Kai leading them. When the howling resided, Laki was swarmed with congratulating wolves. Metch waited for most of the wolves to pad away, then padded toward Laki.

"Congratulations, Laki."

Metch barked, his tail wagging slightly. She smiled and barked,

"Thank you, Metch."

They locked eyes for a moment, and Metch felt his fur start to warm. Laki then trotted away after being called by her mother. Metch watched after her, a smile on his muzzle when Belike bumped him with her nose.

"I smell looooove!"

Belike cooed, winking at Metch. Metch's pelt warmed and he flicked an ear back.

"Sure, at least I have someone."

Metch teased, flicking her with his tail. Belike's smile changed to a scowl.

"Hey! Not too long ago every wolf was saying that we were going to be mates."

Both Metch and Belike shivered.

"Yes, but that's only because Kano saw you staring at me."

Metch said, nipping her ear gently. Belike rolled her eyes.

"Only because your eyes flashed red for a moment, I had to make sure you didn't do anything squirrel-brained."

Metch smirked.

"Of course."

He winked at her. Belike swatted at his muzzle and stomped off, leaving Metch alone.

I will admit, she is a pretty wolf,

Metch thought as she stormed into the Hunter's Den.

But we're only friends.

Razor groaned.

"Go to your nest. We need to talk."

Metch flicked an ear back and padded toward the Hunter Den. When he entered he glanced at Belike, who looked at him and narrowed her eyes. Metch chuckled softly to himself, then curled up in his nest beside her.

Metch opened his eyes to see Razor sitting, facing away from Metch, like when they first met.

"Metch, I think you have a predicament."

Razor said, turning to face him.

"You seem to have several wolves you're chasing after."

Metch blinked in confusion.


Razor snarled.

"Moss, then Laki and now Belike?"

Razor narrowed his eyes.

"You better make a choice before I kill them all."

Metch stood up, his pelt spiking.

"Why do you have to kill them? They've done nothing against us!"

Razor moved closer until they were nose-to-nose.

"They have distracted you beyond what I thought was possible! You have done nothing even close to what is needed!"

Metch snarled at him.

"Good! I don't want to hurt any wolf!"

Razor glared at Metch, until suddenly Metch was plunged into darkness.

Metch woke up with a start, the moon illuminating the den. Metch stood and stretched, when Razor suddenly took control.


Metch yelped, trying to take control back. Instead Razor forced him away and began trotting into the reeds. After a while Metch gave up, instead trying to figure out where Razor was headed.

Where are we going?

Metch asked. Once again, he was met with silence. Finally Razor stopped, and looked into a clearing.

What are we doing here?

Metch questioned. Razor growled softly before appearing next to Metch.

"Kill it."

Metch tilted his head.

"Kill what?"

Razor flicked his tail at the clearing, and that was when Metch saw the pup.

She was pale brown with some gray marks, like a tiny version of Orrie. Metch pinned his ears back and looked at Razor.

"No! I'm not going to kill her."

Razor narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth.

"I'm not giving you an option. Kill. It."

Metch sat down.


Razor cuffed Metch, then snapped,

"If you don't, then I'm killing all of your potential mates."

Razor scowled.

"In your body."

Metch stared at Razor, fear beginning to crawl up his paws.

"Y-you wouldn't."

Metch growled, failing at keeping the terror out of his bark. Razor grinned.

"Watch me."

Metch pinned his ears back and looked at the pup, who was playfully swatting at a butterfly.

I can't do this.

Metch thought, staring at the pup. Razor growled and vanished back inside Metch.

"Then you can watch while I do it."


Metch howled, Razor forcing his paws toward the pup. She looked up at Metch with a smile.

"Hello! I've lost my mother and father, have you seen them?"

Razor then gave Metch control back. Metch could hear him give a dark chuckle.

"N-no I haven't."

Metch said quietly. The pup pinned her ears down, a frown on her muzzle.

"Oh, okay."

"See? She's worthless. Her parents left her to die, so let's fulfill their wishes."

Metch closed his eyes as tight as they would go, then in a swift motion, grabbed the pup's neck in his jaws and crushed it, killing her instantly.

She didn't feel any pain.

Metch told himself.

Better than starving to death.

Razor flashed back beside him, looking at the pup.

"Congratulations my pup, you have killed your first wolf."

He then vanished back to Metch with an evil cackle as tears began to flow down his cheek.

I'm sorry...

Metch sobbed.

So sorry...

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