Chapter 10

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Snow Season

Metch sat next to the temporary mid-rank den, waiting for Laki. She had gone on a hunting trip with Tilieth, Moonech, and Kano, and had promised that she would be back soon. Metch couldn't help feeling slightly nervous every time she wasn't next to him, and his mind was constantly thinking of what could go wrong while she was gone.

What if a bear finds her? Or an enemy pack? What if she slips and falls down a chasm?

Finally, he saw his precious mate return with a rabbit in her jaws, her favorite. Metch trotted up to meet her as she dropped the prey off, a smile growing on his muzzle.

"I missed you."

He barked as they nuzzled.

"I wasn't gone that long, and if anything happened I wasn't far away."

She was smiling.

"I know, but it doesn't stop me from worrying."

Metch and Laki stayed snuggled together, enjoying each other's company when Moonech suddenly burst into the field again, a brown wolf hard on her tail. Metch watched with wide eyes, then looked at Laki.

"Stay here."

He barked before running after the stranger wolf. Cath had already begun to help, and he and Moonech were working together. Moonech then ran back into the surrounding forest, with several of the attacking wolves hard on her paws. Metch chased after them, soon realizing they were trapping her like prey. Metch sped up, positioning himself behind the wolf that was going to 'take down' Moonech. When the gray wolf neared the killer, she leaped over the tan wolf but was then easily plucked down again. Metch leaped up to protect her, feeling Razor beginning to take control again. He felt Moonech scramble beneath him, before finally running back to the Moon Field. Metch closed his eyes and searched for Razor, finally finding him.

This is the only time I'm going to do this,

Metch thought, intentionally talking to Razor.

Take care of these wolves for me.

Metch felt Razor slide into control, a smile taking shape on his muzzle.

"With pleasure."

Razor replied. Razor opened his eyes and flung himself into the surrounding wolves, leaping onto a tan female first. She growled beneath him, and Razor snapped at her paws, catching one and gripping it till it snapped. She didn't make a noise, but Metch could see pain ignite in her brown eyes. Suddenly he was shoved off by a brown wolf, a growl emanating deep in his throat. Razor merely smiled before shoving the brown wolf off, who seemed surprised by Razor's strength.

"Who are you?"

The brown wolf asked. He had a light of familiarity in his blue eyes. Razor laughed slightly, standing up and then sitting in front of the wolves. Metch felt fear spike up his spine as he did this, and he could tell the other wolves were wary too, exchanging glances before sitting down as well. Razor barked,

"Well, Talon, nice to see that you have taken over my pack after my death. You were still a small pup when I died, but I saw a lot of potential in you."

Razor then looked at the gray female.

"Screech, you have grown very quick and strong, I'm proud."

Then he looked at the brown male.

"And you Claw, are very aggressive. I like that."

Then he turned to the tan female who's paw he had broken.

"And Thorn, I know you're the youngest, but you need to be more aggressive."

The wolves seemed astonished that Metch would talk to them this way, and Razor found it funny.

"Tallon. You were young when I died, but young enough to remember me. Do you not recognize me?"

Metch froze as he realized what Razor was saying. Metch desperately began trying to pry control from Razor's paws, but the larger wolf easily shoved him away, continuing his reunion with his pack. Finally, Tallon's eyes widened, and he whispered,


The other wolves then looked at Metch with wide eyes, then they all bowed. Razor let out a slight chuckle.

"Sit up you weaklings. It is not truly I. I was long killed by Amber Trees Pack. But I possessed this wolf when he was a pup, and now I have full control of him, able to do whatever I please."

Metch growled in defiance and was glad when it escaped Razor's muzzle. Metch felt annoyance flood from the black wolf, and he continued,

"But this wolf is strong, even without me. Sometimes he can resist my attacks, but not for long."

Metch could see awe on the faces of the wolves, and Thorn had her jaw hanging open slightly. Tallon stood up, padding slightly closer to Metch.

"Razorblood, you must return to our camp with us. It would cause us great rejoice for our true Alpha to be there, and lead us."

Metch was fed up with this. He refused to be taken from his pack. He forced control away from Razor and snapped,

"I'm not leaving my pack, and there's nothing you can do about it."

The wolves began growling almost immediately, already knowing it wasn't Razorblood they were speaking to.

"Fine. Get out of here weakling. But remember Razor, your pack is still waiting for you. And we will gladly help you take over the forest."

Then the wolves vanished. Seemingly gone in the flick of a tail. Metch could hear them running off through the forest, back to wherever they came from.

Good riddance.

Metch thought with a snort, stomping back toward the Moon Field.

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