Chapter 11

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Warm Season

I can't believe it! I'm going to be a father!
Metch padded into the temporary Care Place with a rabbit in his jaw, Laki's favorite. The she-wolf was lying in the soft moss, her stomach a small mound.
He barked.
"I brought a rabbit."
The gray and black wolf lifted her head off her paws and smiled gratefully.
"Thank you Metch, you're a wonderful mate."
"Not as wonderful as you."
As Laki ate the rabbit Metch licked her between the ears, and went to grab prey for the elders. No younger wolves than Laki had been born, but Tilieth, Orrie, Sikee, and Slythe had reached their seventh Warm Season and would be hunting and working for the pack less and less. Suddenly a bark sounded.
It was Moonech.

Hadn't she been in the repair group this sun-up?
Metch thought, glancing at his mother.

"Yes, Moonech?"
The graying brown wolf barked. Ever since Laema's death, Nanuk had seemed defeated, the once noble Alpha was old and frail, he was reaching his eighth Warm Season. Moonech answered,

"The camp is finished, we can go back now."
Metch could hear Sikee bark,
"Finally! I thought I'd never get to see that old place again!"
As she slipped out of the Elder Den. Nanuk padded to the middle of all the dens and sat a few tail-lengths away.
"Amber Trees Pack, it is time we return to our home. Our camp is now fully prepared thanks to our pack mates. We will leave next sun-up, so prepare to go."
With that Nanuk padded back into his own den, to prepare himself.
Metch turned to Laki, her ears pricked and head tilted slightly.

"What did he say?"

Metch smiled widely, his heart swelling. He knew Laki would be very excited to go back.

"Camp is done! We return next sun-up!"

Laki's eyes widened and he tail thumped the ground excitedly. She gave a joyful howl which echoed through the den. Metch licked her head and curled beside her, glad to see her so happy.

The forest was again green with life, the fire only a memory. Metch padded behind Laki whose belly was weighed down with pups. She padded behind Moonech who seemed proud to be one of the wolves to rebuild the camp. As they entered, Metch could see Laki's eyes light up, like a pup the first time they emerge from a den. Her eyes seemed to shine, knowing her pups would be born in this beautiful place. Metch helped Laki settle into her nest, and saw Foloo carrying herbs to the Healer den. Razor seemed to strike back to the usual wanting of death to her, even though Metch wanted so much for her to live the best life she could.
When his sister finished he trotted towards her. He had spoken to her very little since the pack had re-entered the forest.


Foloo asked as he neared her. Metch nodded.

"It's me."

Foloo smiled and looked at him.

"Well, what did you want to say?"

She asked, her eyes glittering with joy. Metch smiled slightly.

"So are you going to join the mid-ranks again? I'd love to have my sister back."

Foloo frowned and her ears lowered.

"Oh...n-no I live in the Moon Field now. I-I'm a Star Seer, it's where I stay to talk to Sky Pack."

Metch pinned his ears back.

"Oh. But I can come visit you, right?"

He asked, lifting his ears slightly. Foloo smiled and licked his head.


She then trotted away, leaving Metch alone.

"Good job Metch."

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