Chapter 8

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Warm Season

Warm Season breezes blew around the Moon Field. Ferns and grasses sprung up in the ashes, and flowers bloomed in blackness. Leaves, though small, were returning to bushes and trees. Metch was padding with Moonech, Cath, Kai, and Raths toward the old camp. Prey was beginning to return, but mostly birds, squirrels, and rabbits. The pack had survived on berries and the few birds that had flown back early. The barrier of roses and bramble had rooted itself in the ground and grown thicker, higher, and denser. Several dens were without roofs and tiny shrubs were where the Care Place used to be. The five wolves sat by the Alpha Den, and Moonech began barking out orders.

"Kai, I want you and Raths to find branches, Cath and I will intertwine them. Metch,"
Moonech didn't pause, but her eyes seemed to dig into Metch's pelt.
"I want you to find vines to drape over the Alpha's Den, and don't go far."
She added the last part in almost a snap, but he still nodded and set to work. Razor scoffed and mumbled something about, 'work for pups'.

Razor had joined Metch the second he set paw out of the Moon Field, but the white wolf, who Metch was told is Omao, had told Razor to leave the second he was able to smell the Moon Field. By the end of the sun-up, the Healer Den had a roof, and vines were draped in front of the Alpha Den. As the wolves neared the Moon Field, Metch saw Omao standing guard. Razor stepped out of Metch's mind, and Metch dipped his head to Omao, who dipped his back. As Metch padded into camp, Laki trotted up to him, a plump rabbit in her jaws. She put it down as he neared her and Metch licked her ear.
"I thought you might be hungry after all the hard work you've been doing."
She said sweetly. Just then Laki's stomach growled. The she-wolf flicked her ears back and smiled shyly. Metch smiled as well, and offered,
"I'm not very hungry, so if you would like we can share this rabbit."
Laki pricked her ears in what seemed to be astonishment, then barked,
"Oh, no. It's yours."
Metch looked into her bottomless blue eyes and barked,
"It would be my pleasure."
As the two shared the rabbit, Metch saw his mother staring at Laki sadly. He didn't need to hear her say it if she ever did,
"I'm sorry Laki, you're falling for a demon."

But those whimpers would never leave her muzzle, because secretly, Metch knew Moonech couldn't, didn't, know for sure what was wrong with him, but as long as he and Belike never barked a word, he was safe. Safe without Razor. Safe with Laki.

The two wolves soon finished the rabbit, and Metch had a thought occur to him. Standing up, Metch told Laki,

"Follow me, I want to talk to you."

Laki looked up in surprise, then stood and followed him. Metch lead the way out of the Moon Field, trying to ignore the feeling of Razor joining him again.

"Where are you going?"

Metch heard his curious bark. Ignoring him, Metch continued on his way, leading Laki to a place he had found while living in Willow Creek Pack territory. Finally, Metch could hear the quiet roaring of his destination, and the two wolves stepped into the small clearing.

A waterfall glistened, its contents originating from the pond that separated the two territories. The water cascaded down, tumbling into a pool with a stream that branched off further into the mountains. Patches of wildflowers surrounded the pool, and there were a few reeds as well. From the Willow Creek side, there came the croak of frogs and twittering of birds.

"It's beautiful."

Laki sighed, her blue eyes sparkling like the water. Metch had to suppress a, 'like you', and turned to look at Laki.

"Laki, I brought you here because...I love you."

Metch felt his heart beating quicker than a bird's as he confessed, but Laki's eyes shone as the locked with Metch's.

"I've loved you since you started sleeping next to me in the Hunter's Den back in Willow Creek territory. The way you spoke about camp made it sound magical, and beautiful, like you."

Laki's gorgeous blue eyes sparkled with love and surprise, and he hoped he'd be able to say one last thing before he died of anxiety.

"I know you're not old enough yet, but will you be my mate?"

Metch felt as if everything froze when he said mate. His heart, the birds, even the wind. Laki smiled and whispered,

"Metch, I've loved you since you played with me in the Pup Place,"

She nuzzled Metch before barking,

"I would love to be your mate."

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