Chapter 5

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Warm Season

Metch sat outside the Hunter's Den, Belike more than excited to have a nest next to him. Moss had also noticed him sleeping in there, and Metch could see that she wanted to be with him, but he had avoided her. Metch sighed as the gray wolf trotted into camp with a rabbit in her jaws.

She's so beautiful.

Metch thought, almost reconsidering what he was about to do. His heart cracked at the thought that he was going through with it.

I have to,

Metch thought, trying to stop his tail from dragging.

If I don't she'll get hurt again.

Metch trotted toward Moss after she dropped her prey off, and barked,

"Moss, I need to talk to you."

Moss glanced up at him and her ears pricked, her eyes beginning to glow the way they always did when she looked at him.

"Oh, okay!"

Metch lead her out of camp, stopping when they reached a small pond. Metch sat next to the edge and Moss sat next to him, their fur brushing slightly.

"Moss, I know that you want us to be mates, um, Holly told me."

Metch cast a glance toward the gray wolf and saw her staring at him with large green eyes. He saw surprise in their depths and hope.

"Don't tell her I told you, but I-"

Metch felt his throat close as his sadness began to rise.

I have to do this.

He told himself again.

"I don't think we can be mates."

Metch didn't wait for a response, he didn't look for her reaction, he flung himself into excuses, trying to reassure himself that this was the right thing to do.

"We come from different packs. My pack is going to be leaving next Frozen Water and I don't think I stay without my family. I also couldn't live with myself if I made you leave your family. I love you, Moss, I really do, but it won't work. I'm sorry."

Metch dropped his head and closed his eyes, letting tears stream down his cheek fur before finally looking at Moss. Her eyes were wide, and her ears were pinned back. Her tail was tucked slightly, and she had tears streaming down her cheek fur. He looked into her eyes, seeing nothing but pain and sadness, and thankfully, understanding.

"I-I understand."

Moss barked finally, her bark cracking like splintered wood.

"But Metch,"

Her ears lifted slightly, and she smiled.

"I'll always love you."

Moss stood and nuzzled Metch, then licked his nose before trotting back to camp. Metch sat there, stunned, then smiled.

"Me too, Moss."

He whispered to the breeze.


Metch trotted back to camp with a squirrel hanging from his jaws.

Squirrels are Moss's favorite.

Metch thought to himself. He pushed the thought away, still bringing back sad memories. Although he and Moss were still friends, it was often awkward, and almost painful that they couldn't be more. Metch dropped the prey off, then chose a bird from the pile before trotting toward the Pup Place to watch as the newest pups played. He laid down and began eating as Laki tumbled out, her fur sticking up in some places. The gray female pup was the daughter of Tilim and Kai, which he wasn't surprised about when he had slept in the Fighter Den, he had often heard them taking, and it would sometimes keep him up. Soon after Laki had tumbled out of the Pup Place, a brown pup named Petal and a silver pup named Creek, both from Willow Creek Pack followed suit. The three female pups were soon playing together, swatting at each other with paws that were too big for them. Metch watched with a smile as he finished his prey, finally giving in to his thoughts.

He trotted toward the pups, then knelt down so he was in a playful pose.

"I bet you'll never be able to catch me, I'm the biggest bear in the forest!"

The pups stared at him with confusion, then they looked at each other with a smile before leaping into him, covering him in small nips. Metch laughed and nipped back, occasionally catching Petal's tail or Laki's ear. Eventually, he felt himself tire, and he collapsed, giving up.

"Oh! You strong wolves are too much, this bear is now, dead."

Metch collapsed, faking death. He let his tongue loll out of his mouth and closed his eyes. He could hear the three pups yipping and howling (although very squeaky) in victory. Metch laughed and stood up, stretching before padding back to his nest in the Hunter's Den, and falling asleep.

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