Chapter 3

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Wind Season

"Do you promise to risk your life to feed, and care for your pack mates at all times?"
Metch was sitting in front of Nanuk, his fur recently licked clean by Moonech. Belike was behind him, awaiting her own mid-rank ceremony. Metch had lost his milking teeth a few sun-ups ago and was free of Razor for a while. From the corner of his eye, Metch could see a few Willow Creek Pack wolves peeking out from the dens. The fiery sun glared down at the two packs, seemingly approving this ceremony.
"I do."
Metch was full of excitement and could see the pride in his mother's eyes.
"Then you are now a mid-rank until decided otherwise."
Metch could hear Moonech begin the wordless howl, full of pride and a hint of sadness. The rest of the pack joined in the glorious howl of accomplishment before Nanuk called for Belike. As Belike padded up, Metch could see her tail wagging slightly.
"Do you promise to risk your life to feed, and care for your pack at all times?"
Belike's green eyes sparkled.
"I do."
"Then from this point on, you're a mid-rank wolf until decided otherwise."
This time Kikaila lead the howl. Shortly after, Metch and Belike were surrounded by proud pack mates. Moonech padded up to Metch, her pond-blue eyes blinking lovingly.
"I'm proud of you Metch."
She barked while they nuzzled. Metch had no words and licked her ear gratefully. Soon she was lost in the sea of congratulating wolves, and others padded up to him, their words lost in his mind.

When it ended, Metch padded toward Belike.

"So? Are you ready to be a mid-rank?"

He asked her, his tail wagging slightly. Belike chuckled.

"Yes! I can't believe it finally happened!"

Then her smile began to fade, looking at the black scar that was still on his side.

"Can Outside?"

Metch sighed, then nodded. Belike dipped her head, then began trotting into the foliage. Metch followed behind, having to almost leap through the grass because of its height. Soon, they made it to a clearing of ferns beneath a willow tree and laid down in the shade. Metch looked at Belike.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

Belike glanced at his side, then back up at him.

"Have there been any...incidents, since he attacked you?"

Metch glanced at and licked his scar, it's black coloring making it almost impossible to see.

"No, we haven't spoken face-to-face since then. He still speaks in my mind though."

Metch gave her a crooked smile.

"What, are you expecting me to leave soon?

Razor asked, almost chuckling. Metch ignored him and Belike smiled back, worry in her green eyes.

"Alright. You'll tell me if anything happens though, right?"

Metch nodded.

"Of course."

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