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A soft white light shines through cream colored curtains. Joshua wakes up and stretches, only to wake up the angel sleeping next to him.

"Morning Joshua." Abigail whispers, rolling over to face her boyfriend of three weeks.
"Morning Abigail. How are you?" Josh asks, sighing in content and clasping on the hand of the girl he loved.

"I am as well."
"Come on Joshua. I need to show you this one spot today. After work."
Josh just nods and smiles as the two put on their glasses. Josh leads the bright girl back to her apartment so she can change into work clothes. Her normal ensemble of a blazer, flats, blouse, pencil skirt, glasses, curled hair, and editors pass is what adorns her body today.

"You look beautiful." Josh whispers, running a hand through his corn silk hair and playing with the third button down on his dress shirt. He fiddles with the pockets of his skinny jeans before placing his camera around his neck today. He had been promoted up to a higher position because his work had impressed his bosses so well. Joshua now took photos for the cover of Elle.  A great accomplishment by a modest American boy.

"A modest American boy that'll be here for only four more months." He thought as he walked into the office building with Abigail.

"See you after work, in the lobby okay? 6 p.m?" Abigail smiled as she reached her office. Josh nodded and kissed her forehead. As he walked away, Josh smiled back at her. Abigail always did say she loved his smile.

"I love your smile. It's different." The ray of light beamed.
"Different how?"
"Your teeth are as white as the purest clouds. And your eyes. Your eyes do this squinty thing when you smile."
"Do they now?"
"Yes. They do. I'll have you know I think it's massively adorable."
With that response Joshua smiled again, sending Abigail into a fit of giggles and smiles.

Josh snapped out of his daydream. He spent the rest of his workday photographing the likes of Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner. He photographed beautiful women daily, but none of them compared to Abigail Bedford.

Abigail was a vision.

As the two walked the lit streets, he stared at her adorable features highlighted by the warm orange glow of street lamps.

"Where are you taking me love?" The photographer questioned.
"A place I always used to go. It's from my childhood. I thought you should see it."

A few minutes later they came across a  large brick apartment complex. It was accompanied by a large alleyway, with a huge mural of two blue butterflies.

"What is this?"

"My childhood home. Right there." The girl stated, pointing to a window. Inside you could see the shadows of a woman crying and a man drunkenly swinging. Something seemed off about his girlfriend as she viewed this scene. She seemed confused. Abigail had a happy childhood. It was almost as if she could not believe something like this was happening in the place she used to live.

"And this?" Josh asked, distracting her by pointing to the mural. Her face lit up.

"Lovers Alleyway. This is where my dad met my mum. Where souls intertwine."

"Then let's go." He says, leading her hand in hand until they were both standing in front of the huge blue butterflies.

He kissed her lips. He really did love her. And she loved him.

They just held each other for a bit.

"What on your mind sunshine?"
"Why me?"
"Because you are incredible. And you never fail to amaze me."
"I feel the same about you, my sun beam."

She just grinned at him for awhile, before an idea struck her head. She pulled out her yellow Polaroid camera out of her backpack and instructed Joshua to stand against the mural and look out to the docks behind her. He toyed with his small gauges a bit before laughing at her pleas for him to be still.

"What are you up to?"
"You'll see, now stay still!"

She snapped a picture and Josh rushed up to her as she shook the film.

"This shot is amazing love." Josh said in awe, taking the small picture to his hands.

"That's it." Abigail said.

"What's what?"

"What about me?"

"You're my Polaroid boy."

snapshot •josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now