twenty three

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"Another day, another hospital stay." Abigail sighed as Josh closed the door to her side of the car. Abigail had come down with a fever and became extremely sick due to her shoddy immune system. Josh knew theyd be staying overnight, so the pair gave a list of romantic places for Tyler and Jenna to visit.

When they reached the hospital, Abigail was admitted almost immediately. Her horrid immune system meant she was quite at risk. A paper mask graced her pale freckled face as she stared out the window.

"I'm back!" Josh exclaimed, setting down a bouquet of pink tulips on the bedside table. Abigail snapped out of her trance  and smiled up at her boyfriend, who kissed her over the mask.

"I love you." Josh whispered, his eyes squinting as he smiled.

"I love you more." The sunbeam smiled.

Later that night, her fever had gotten worse. A cool towel laid on her forehead and she breathed heavily. Machines droned and beeped. She was beginning to fall asleep.

"I don't feel good." Abigail said, breathing heavily.

"I know love. I'm sorry. But know that I love you with all my heart. Every bit of me loves you. You are the one thing I wake up for and the one thing I think about before I go to sleep. You're my love and my sunbeam. Don't ever forget it." Josh whispered, kissing her hand. Abigail smiled that same bright smile she always had.

The pair went on like this until Abigail fell asleep. Soon Josh did too.

He was woken up by his worst nightmare.

The heart monitor was beeping like crazy. He sprinted into the hall.

"Help!! Help, please!" Josh screamed, doctors flooding into the hall.

As soon as Josh ran back into the room, the heart monitor fell flat. Josh gripped her hand and cried, but soon was ushered out of the room by doctors and nurses.

The polaroid boy regretted not taking more pictures of his sunbeam to remember by.

snapshot •josh dunWhere stories live. Discover now