7 - Be A Hero

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come inside with you to see your parents?" Peter Parker offered quietly from beside me, his hand warm in my own. We stood on the busy sidewalk, a shadow of the Oscorp building hanging over us. "I don't mind, you know." 

We had been standing in front of my parents' work for nearly a full five minutes while I decided what to actually say to them. All day at school I was worried about how to tell them that I had messed around with their serum and accidentally exposed myself. I could already play out which way the argument would swing in my head and despite my fears about their anger and doubt, I needed to tell them. The idea to keep it from them was not an option, not if I wanted to know more about what was happening to me.

I gave Peter a tiny smile. "I think it's best if I do this on my own." I wanted him by my side, maybe to lessen the blow of the wrath I knew would come. I had a feeling my parents would not make a horrific scene in front of him, keeping that for home when we were alone. I was being a little selfish in wanting him with me but I figured I deserved the wrath. "My parents are going to freak and maybe it's better if you don't see me cry." 

He slowly nodded, his gaze flickering back up the familiar building. This building brought back bad memories and I knew he was thinking about Harry. I wanted to comfort him, wanted to tell him again that Harry Osborn was still grieving, that he was only placing blame upon Spider-Man because that was rational. He had seen his idol hovering over his dead father, anyone would put the two links together and place blame on a masked face. Although, the words wanted to fall from my lips in that very moment, I did not. "I can drop by your place afterwards?" I softly started, letting my hand slip away from his own. "If you're not busy with Spidey stuff. I'm sure you'll be busy stopping some car chase or webbing down a thug." 

"I can make time." Peter replied with grin. "I can always make time for you."

His words were a mere wish since I knew very well Peter Parker could not promise to keep a date to save his life. He always bailed on plans or showed up late with blood dotting his sleeve and a shine in his eyes when he mentioned he was caught up with something. I was growing used to it even when it hurt a little sometimes. "Be safe." I told him quietly as he stepped away with a nod of his head. I waited on the sidewalk until I couldn't see him in the city crowds anymore, then I was heaving in a deep sigh and making my way inside the building.

My parents were huddled around a shared work bench, lab equipment spread around them. With the very sight of them, I could feel my heart cracking open. All my life I wanted to show them I was capable of greatness. I wanted to make them proud, wanted to please them. When Colton died, that burden felt heavier than ever. Now, I suddenly wondered what they would see within me now. " Hello, sweetie!" my mother popped her head up, her safety goggles falling slightly down the bridge of her nose. "We didn't know you were stopping by today. You're just in time since we've had a tiny bit of a breakthrough--"

"I need to tell you both something." I blurted out quickly. 

Both of my parents froze, knowing the panic in my voice. My father placed down the clipboard he had in his hands, all focus from their work vanished. I shifted my weight between my feet, trying to figure out how to tell them without breaking their hearts. "What is it, dear?" hw asked, a worried glance sent towards my darling mother.

"A few weeks ago, I was messing around in here." I started slowly, watching their faces. "I wanted to look at the serum again. I knew you both wouldn't let me, so I did it when you were both out." I kept Peter out of my confession, not wanting my parents to lump him in with my own mistake. "I accidentally knocked over a test tube and it went everywhere. I didn't think anything of it but while cleaning it up, it must have gotten into my paper cut."

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