43 - No Secrets Club

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My revenge will come. You will all feel my pain.

The haunting words of Harry Osborn had been circling around in my head like a broken record. I had tossed and turned under my blankets each night since that day, just trying to imagine the horrors that he promised upon us. In the dark hours of the night, my eyes would land on the hardback cover of my journal and think about the pictures that had flashed into my mind the night of Homecoming when Harry had grabbed my wrist. I had slowly figured out my powers were enhancing a little bit, which included getting visions when my skin touched another. It had only happened once before with Bryce O'Shea and I had thought nothing of it at the given time, but now, with the incident with Harry and my visions, my thoughts were clouded once again.

I had seen flashes of New Goblin, ugly possibilities of a future that had not come to pass yet. But that was not the worrying snippet that had my heart aching each time it sprung into my mind. It was the headstone that had showed a name that was too close to my heart. Mary Jane Watson. I had kept that tiny secret locked away, not wanting anybody else having to deal with the truth that haunted my dreams. But with Harry Osborn's clear as day threat, it was not something I could pretend had not happened. I couldn't keep the others in the dark, not anymore. I had to tell everyone about my vision. I had to tell my best friend that I had seen her die. 

Classes had dragged on that day, our ragtag group meeting after five o'clock at Ned Leeds's house in Long Island. We thought it would be a better idea to venture somewhere nobody would expect, like the Leeds' house. The final bell of the day had rang out like church bells, my heart knocking against my ribcage with fear. I was not sure how my friends would react with the news, especially Mary Jane who really did not need another burden resting on her tiny shoulders right now. Lonely and confused, my tennis shoes echoed down the hallways which had cleared out quickly. Ned had rushed home to tidy up and inform his parents he had friends coming over. Mary Jane was tying up some drama club things and Peter had yanked on his suit and mask for some afternoon patrols before our meeting. 

While I aimlessly wandered the quiet hallways, my mind was too caught up that I didn't even realise somebody was following me until he was poking at my stomach with a sneaky laugh. "Where'd you go just then? You seem far away." Clayton Cole asked, books piled into his arms and a pencil lazily positioned behind his ear. 

He fell into my step so naturally. "Um, nowhere exciting." 

Clayton didn't believe me. "Okay."

I eyed the textbooks in his arms. I had never seen Clayton Cole open a book, let alone carry a stack of them through the hallways after the final bell of the day had sung its song. He was not the studious type, or well that's what he wanted the world to think. "Why are you hanging around? Did detention let out early or something?"

"Surprisingly, no." he said with a little sheepish smile. 

I stared at him. "What's up with you, Clayton?" 

He let out a sigh. "Do you really wanna' know?" I found myself nodding, only a tiny bit curious as to why he was lugging around textbooks after school had ended. He was usually the first student out of the doors. "Okay, well I lost a bet."

I almost laughed out loud. "A bet? What kind of bet?" 

"The kind where I have to carry around textbooks and fetch water bottles for the marching band and stupid things like that for two weeks." Clayton admitted, not quite pleased he had been out smarted by a girl that mumbled the words uh oh, galileo whenever she wanted to swear. "It's a long story, okay? But just know that Indie Monroe is sneaky. You wouldn't think it, but she truly is."

I noticed how his shoulders relaxed a little bit with the very mention of this girl who apparently, had somehow snuck up on Clayton Cole within the last few days. I playfully pushed against his shoulder, mocking him. "Wait...was that a redness in your cheeks, Clayton Cole? Are you perhaps interested in somebody other than yourself? Who is this girl and what magical power does she have to melt your icy heart?" 

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