Kyle x Ghost || Please come back

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        ~Plaese Come Back~


-Kyle Pov-
UGHHHH My parents made us move and I freaking hate it!! I walk into my new house and look around "ok, sweet pea you can go pick your room and so can you Kyle!" My mom smiles sweetly. I walk up and look at the rooms. I walk into a room and call "CALL IT!" When my sis rushes in. She gets in the middle and yells "NO, MINE" and I make a fist. "I called it first. " I reply. She kicks me where the sun don't shine. I walk out and go to the other room. Ugh how much I hate this room! It had gray wall painting, floor stained with ew stuff. My windows cracked here and there. I hate it "ugh this house is the worst! Why did I have to move here?" I yell.


New peeps moving in? That's new! I walk- fly to my room going through the walls. I see a boy sitting on MY bed. Doesn't he get a bed or is he gonna be using my bed? "Hi!" I poke my face through the wall "AH!" He jumps. "Hey hey hey! It's ok pal! I ain't no stranger! If your gonna live here you better know me!" I smile. "W-w-w-who are y-y-you?!??" He freaks out. "I'm y/n! I'm currently a ghost and only you can see me! Well only you and me. I can't wait to know you!" I introduce myself. "O-ok?" He stutters. He gets in MY bed and sleeps. I puff and go through the walls.


-Kyle POV-
I wake up hoping that the ghost is gone. Or my dream gone. I slowly creep off my bed when that girl pops out "BOO" she giggles. I slug and go sit on my bed "that's my bed" she frowns "my now" I smirk "Uhhh no, my still!" She yells. "No my!" I started to sissy fight her. How come I could feel her? "Hey didn't you say you're a ghost? How come I can feel you?" I ask "well idk, because you can?" He shrugs. "HONEY, CONE GET BREAKFAST" my mom yelled. I walk downstairs along sided with Y/n. "Hey mom." I smile weakly "You ok sweetie? You look tired!" She frowns "eh, GHOSTLY night sleep" I smile even weaker. "Hey!" Y/n yells but only I can hear her. "We'll change your room colour later ok?" My dad comments. "No! You don't have my perm!" Y/n frowns. I look at her and see her frowning. "I'm fine dad!" I fake smile "ok" he replied. I go up stairs and lay on HER bed. Oh how she annoys me!

             ~Few months Later~

UGH Y/n helped me lose! I was presenting in front I my class hen she kept annoying me. My teacher thought I was crazy talking to myself.  I walk down the hall alone when I yell at y/n "LOOK, I HATE YOU. You ruin my life and you just flip me off every single day! JUST LEAVE!"  She frowned and said "as you wish...." She slugged off. I knew she was gonna be back....right?
       ~2 months later~
It was my birthday, I wish y/n was here. But she isn't. My dad walks in the living room with the cake and said "make a wish!" I kinda frown and made a wish.
Please Y/n, come back. Even if it's only for a day, please, come back.
I wished a wish and played with my friends. All day, she didn't come. I got sadder and sadder by the moment. A frown grew deeper and deeper but it seemed that no one cared. The day ended and I went to bed laying on my bed. "She isn't coming back" I thought.
"Am I not really?" Someone said. I jump up to see y/n's head poking out my wall. A smile grew ear to ear as I sit up. She flows and sits on the edge of my bed, away from me. "Why did you want me? I thought I ruined your life." She frowns " know! People change their minds over time" I smile weakly "any who, what do you want?"she asks "I umm miss you... Please stay! Even if it's only for a day. Please!" I beg. "I didn't know you cared about me!" She folds her arms "I didn't know you cared if I cared" I smirk "well if I didn't care would I come HERE from Ireland?" She tilts her head. I chuckle alittle and smile. I finally have read back. I scoot closer to her, and closer, and closer until I'm right next to her. I face her and peck her lip. She blushes even thought it's hard to see, after all....she is a ghost. Her body starts to change oddly, if she's turning into reality. Her toes becomes more human like, it flows up to her face, she's now human. "Like they say, true love will change you" she smiles. I kiss her again and we smile. Now we can be together because we're both human.
We're in deeply love and so will we.

Hope you liked it ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Comment what I should do next! You turned to a human with Kyle~

"If your not weird, don't expect me to remember you"
Quote of the day ⬆️🔝

This was purposely made for my bestie
________________ and hope you enjoyed it bestie!


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