Cartman x Reader || Fatass

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"Bye mom!" I yell running to my bus stop. I see Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Kenny. "Waddup peeps?" I go in front of the bus sign. No one replies and I frown. "C'mon! What's wrong?" I ask "They kept on arguing and ya" Stan frowned. Eric- Cartman looked at the floor and I walked over I him putting my hand on his shoulder. "It's ok pal" I smile. No smiles seen from the fatass. "Hey you wanna talk after school?" I put a weak smile on his face "I'll tale that as a yes, anywho! Who's excited about listening to Mr.Garrison talk about Nikki?" I giggle. They laugh a bit, the bus comes and we all hop on. I go down the aisle looking for a place to sit but there's only so many. The choices were to sit with
ORRRRR Christophe
I'll pick Eric. I sit next to Eric and I smile. "Why the heck are you sitting here?" He asks "aye! It's not JUST your world, it's mine too! If you look around you see friends, people and loved ones. Look and think out of the box! You are expected so much that your responsible. If you ever need help from a friend, I'm always here!" I smile. "Yeah yeah, why are you talking anyways?" He asks. "I had a beautiful powerful feeling saying that if you don't mind" I fold my arms. "Whatever" he replied. I get off the bus and walk to school. I walk down the locker hall when some one grabs my hand. They pull me out of school. "Slow down!" I yell even though they were slow. I examed them, hat, coat, and scurf same as Cartman. "ERIC?!?" I yell jerking my hands out of his grip. He stops, not saying a word.

"W-why are you pulling me?!" I realize slowly that he was holding my hand.
"You said we would talk, am I wrong?" He asks "n-no.... But I said AFTER school!" I hold my arms, blushing. "Why do you turn red when I touch you?" He asks annoyed. "It's called blushing and I do not!" I shout "sure potato" he grins "But why did you pull me out?" I ask "I wanted to talk" he grabs my wrist and sits on a bench. I was about to sit on the bench when he patted his lap. I blushed and sat on his lap. He put his hands around my waist and started talking. "It wasn't my fault Kyle wanted a Green IPen! I insured him that orange or red would be the best! Blah~" he continued. "Are you even listening to me?" He asks "h-huh what?" I ask. "Hah...." He laughs a bit. "S-sorry..." I apologize. "For what?" He asks. "Not listening! I should've been a better friend!" I look up. "Better friends? Eh, I have to be honest, I think of us differently." He got close to me. There was a gap between us, soon he closed it. He laid his lips onto my, kissing me impatiently, i replied the kiss soon after. I closed my eyes, blushing.

But little did she know, he was blushing as well.

"I think I like you" he saids "like me? Nothing more?" I look into his eyes. "Correction. I know I love you" he smiles.

"I think I love you too" I giggle.

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