Craig x Tsundere || Tutoring

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"I don't like him!"
"You do"
"Do not!"
"Do so"
" I. DO. NOT."
"UGHHHHHHH! FIIINNNEEEE! I do!" I sigh. "Knew it!" Clyde clapped his hands together. "So? What are you gonna do about it?" I ask "ohh nothing!" He smirks.
"Ok Miss L/n! May I see you?" Principal Victoria Called  me. "Better go!" I wave goodbye to Clyde. "Yes Principal Victoria?" I smile. "Miss L/n, Craig Tucker is needing help in math and he seems to be friends with you plus, you are a talent kid. After all, you are in the T.A.G program also known as Tag." (Talented and Gifted. There is such thing btw) "ok yes ma'am!" I smile walking out of her room.

Me tutoring CRAIG?

This is gonna be a long day......

~Tune skips to End of school~

"Hey when does tutor starting?" Craig asked me, walking up to me. "Oh! Umm how about t my house at errr 5:30?" I ask. "Sure! Cya then!" He smiles small. He never gives me a big smile. I walk to my house and change clothes. I quickly do my homework and start watching Terrence and Philip.

    Knock Knock
"OH COMING!" I yell getting up perfecting my hair. I open the door only to see Craig. "Oh come on in!" I move aside. "Upstairs?" I shrug. "Sure" he nods. He follows me to my room. "Ok so question 1" I open my math book. "First question. Ok so this is just simple algebra. 13 + C = 15 + C =17" I point at the problem. "Uhh what do we do?" He asks. "Oh have you not been listening?!? Ok so first you have to see what equation is used to find the answer. So it is +, so use the opposite equation which is - to find your C" I look at him " 15 - 13 is 2 so the C  is 2?" He asks "yup! Good job!" I smile.

~After all the questions~

"Phew! We are done!" I rub my forehead. "Hey umm.... I didn't really need the tutor...." He looks at the floor. "What?" I ask. "I didn't need the tutor. When I heard that you were amazing at math, I decided to fail math to be tutored by you..." He looks away. "And why did you want me tutoring you?" I ask "I wanted to hang out with you.." He avoids eye contact. I grab his chin an make him face me. I clash my lips onto his, closing my eyes. To my surprise he kissed back.
"Uhh I-I think I love you..." He whispers.
"I think I love you too" I smile

YA! I feel so clever! Mwahhhh! Cya unicorns later!

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