Cartman x Reader || Dead Girl

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I don't understand why the flippity fuck he hates me. I dot hate him, why hate me? I haven't touched him or called him names, why would anyone hate me? I haven't even seen death glares, and neither have I seen him date at me weirdly. It's just rumors that people say he hates me. That rumors seems to be true to Wendy and Bebe.
But mostly, I hang out with Craig's lil gang.

~Cartman's POV~ (I NEED BLEACH XD)

Why the fuck does she hate me?
I don't remember bugging her.
Hmm, she never even give me glares! When she does look my way, she smiles and waves. WHO WOULD SMILE AND WAVE IF THEY HATE YOU?

Anyways, I'm currently at Stan's house, playing X-Box 360 with Kyle. "Guys!" Stan runs towards us. "What?" I lazily reply. "Craig's gang is coming over" He smiles. "And Y/n?" Kyle asks. "Yup!" He shouts.

Great. Just Great.

~3rd Person View~

Y/n and Craig's team walked to Stan's house, slowly knocking on his door. "Hey!" Stan opened up and let the guests in. Y/n walked in and saw Cartman.


Crap. He's here. What did I expect? He did say his team was here. I quickly smile at him and glance away. Craig sits on the couch, spreading his whole body out so he takes up all the room.
"Craig~" I try to scoot his leg aside. "Scoot over!" I pout. "No" he folds his arms "Fine" I mumble. I fold my arms and sit on his lap. He blushes a red shade and I shrug it off "G-get off of m-me" he scoots me off. "Then scoot!" I yell. "Whatever" he scoots over. "Thank You" I smile. Then, the phone starts to go off. I rush over and pick up the phone. It's South Park High. "uh oh" Clyde mummers. "I got it" I giggle. I pick it up. "Excuse me, is this Mrs. Marsh?" The Principle asks me. I try my best old lady voice. "Y-yes indeed it is!" I reply. "Stanley Marsh is at not at school, is something wrong?" He asks. "No! We uhh, I uhh, took Stan, Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Craig, Y/n, uhh, Token uhh and T-Tweek!" I giggle nervously.  "You took them where?" He ask. "To a Trampoline Park! Yeah that's it!" I shrug. "Well after, can try to make it here?" He asks me again. "Well you uhh--- you see, I took them to a Trampoline park in umm..... UK!" I shout. "In UK??" He yells. "Yeah yes! Their Trampoline parks are amazing there!" I laugh quietly. "Mk, I'll leave you be bye" he hangs up. I put the phone and down start laughing. "A TRAMPOLINE PARK IN UK???" Clyde shouts as he laughs. I hold my stomach and laugh. "I didn't think you'd cover for me..." Cartman mummers. "I thought you hated me" he looks at me.



"I thought YOU hated me!" I step closer, pointing to me. "Why would I HATE YOU?!" He steps closer to me. "That's what Heidi tol- OHHHHHHHHH it all makes sense~ She was jealous..." I giggle. "Mhm!" He folds his arms. "We could be friends?" He asks.


Thanks Eric.. For braking my heart....

"Yeah sure..." I flip my hair dramatically and walk out the door. "UH OH" Craig rushes out the door with Cartman following behind. "SHES GONNA GO INSANE MODE!"

"Craig, shut up will ya? You don't even know what I'm gonna do!"  ~Author Chan

Craig looks up at the sky.


"The fuck..." He mumbles.

( *drinks bleach* Mk, I'm alive)

Y/n runs toward the road, and steps in the middle. "Y/N!" Craig shouts. "JUST FRIENDS HUH?" She yelled. Cartman gulped, then looked away. "I wanted more" Right there, right then, she laid there...dead. The bus came dashing and hit Y/n, never even stopping. Cartman ran towards her, and sobbed. She flickered her eyes open and smiled. "Didn't think I'd leave without a kiss would ya?" She pumps her self up and kisses Cartman.
He was shocked but then melted in. They broke apart and Y/n got up. "I can't die, I need to know where my and Cartman's relationship is gonna go" She shrugs.

"Love you dead girl" He hugs her. "Love you fatass" she shrugs. "HEY! IM BIG BONED! NOT FAT!" He shouts.


THAT WAS SHIT! She just came back alive yo!



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