Clyde x Reader || Cry Baby

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I hate school! I hate going to school! I hate that I have to wake up early for school! I hate that there are so many ---You know what I mean. Well, today is no different!

I walk to my bus stop and see everyone there- but Clyde. "Where's Clyde?" I ask Craig. "I don't know. Go fucking find him" He legit flips me off. "Tsk" I walk towards Clyde's house. I knock on his door, no response. I get a little closer and I hear sobbing.

Oh Clyde.....

"I'm just gonna let myself in!" I yell. I turn the door nob and see Clyde against the wall, crying his little heart out. "What's wrong?" I ask, making little circles on his back. I pull my arms around him, so I'm hugging him to comfort him. My all time crush is crying.
"Bebe *sobs* Broke up *sobs* with me!" He cries. "Maybe you should find someone else?..." I look at him. He lifts up his face so it's facing me and gives me a weak smile. "Y-you *hiccups* always h-have *hiccups* the a-answers" he wipes away his tears. "Shouldn't you be at school?" He asks me once he's calmed down. "I came to check on you" I reply. "Oh,... Well shouldn't I find someone else soon?" He asks me.

Right then, right there, my heart shattered into many pieces.

"You should" I get up. He grabs my wrist and makes me turn around. Without a second thought, he presses his lips against my. My eyes widen in shock but then I melt in. We brake apart since we need air.
AH FLIP YOU AIR! "Be my girl?" He asks me with hope in his eyes. "Only if your gonna be my Cry Baby" I hug him tight. "I will" he smiles. "Then I will too" I hug tighter. "But you gotta promise that you won't change. K?" I ask him. "Mhm" he strokes my h/c hair. "Love you Cry Baby" I snicker. "Love you" he grins.

That was true crap. I had NO IDEA! I totally forgot about a plot and since I love Clyde, I decided to do him! Well, that's enough talking! Bai~~~

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