Chapter 10

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*Picture of Dylan's parents. (Yes, he's mixed, if you didn't figure that out already)

We were driving on the highway. Dylan's knuckles were tight around the steering wheel and he was looking straight ahead.

"So...." I said trying to break the ice. "How do you find your classes?"

He turned his head towards me for a brief second. "Really, Kay? How do I find my classes? You sound like my guidance counselor."

"I was just trying to make small talk, jeez."

"Try better."

I really hated Dylan when he was grumpy. I mean, Dylan was a nice charming boy all around and everyone basically loved him. But he could also be cruel and mean when he wanted to. Everyone knew not to approach him when in a bad mood. I just wish he would let me in. But we all knew that it was hopeless. He's such a complex character. He draws people in but keeps them at a distance. It's almost like he was a celebrity, and everyone else were merely just fans. Being around him is like getting a glimpse of what being in the spotlight feels like. He has a way to make you feel important. We think we know him, but we truly know nothing. He talks to us, compliments us, jokes with us, just like stars to their fans, but he isn't one of us. We let him into our world, but he doesn't let us into his.

I sighed, looking out of my window. "Suit yourself."

I reached up and put the volume up on whatever pop song was playing on the radio.

I must've fallen asleep at some point because, Dylan was softly telling me to wake up.

"Are we here?" I replied with a groggy voice.

"Yeah." That's when I looked outside. We were parked in front of a small house in what looked like a nice neighborhood. It was one story with a cream color. The plants outside arranged in a cute heart shape seemed to be dying, as if someone had a nice idea at first but ended forgetting about their gardening.

I must look a mess. I reached up and pulled down the mirror visor to fix my hair by running my hands through them. Thank God, my makeup wasn't smudged, I reached into my purse to dab on some lipgloss anyways. I could feel Dylan's stare on me. I reached for the door knob. "Ok let's-

"Kayla." Dylan said, his hand suddenly on my arm, stopping me. Wow he called me Kayla, and not Kay.

I turned around. "What?" I replied harsher than I meant to. He flinched.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I was being a dick to you for absolutely no reason."

I shrugged. "It's ok." I said, looking away.

"No, it's not." He sighed. "Look, my father was... arrested yesterday after my mother finally called the police on him."

"What? I thought-

"No, I lied, ok? He never stopped. I told you he did so that you could stop worrying."  He ran a hand over his face. "It actually got worst after we moved. He would beat my mom senseless every night, and she wouldn't leave him. I tried to get her to run away with me, but she wouldn't leave. I had 3 jobs while going to high school just to provide for us because my father barely worked, and I was saving up for us to run away, but she-

He broke off, grinding his teeth together in anger.

"Dylan..." I trailed off softly. "I had no idea." I suddenly hated his mother for putting him through this. I mean sure his dad is obviously at fault here, there's no doubt about that, and I'm glad he got what he deserved. But if his mother had listened to him, they'd be out of this lifestyle a long time ago and out of the grips of his monstrous father. 

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