Chapter 5. Origin of Light

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Zelphi and Mia: (singing) La lala lalalalala la laaa!

Mother and Mia were swinging their hands into the air while singing an annoying tune along the way. I was naturally in a foul mood and dragged behind them with an annoyed expression. Humph. Just what are they so happy about?

Zelphi: Zaaael! C'mon, join in!

Zael: (coldly) Over my dead body.

Mother pouted for a sec before Mia diverted her attention and smile back at her in return. That stupid angel...just who does she think she is. Acting all innocent like that, it's like she's begging for the attention! After the sight of buildings, Mia finally pranced forward.

Mia: Mommy! Mommy! I see the town!!

Zelphi: (smiles) Yeah. I see it too.

Mia: Can we go see granny Uphir, can we please!! Granny Uphir always gives me lots and lots of chocolat!

Zelphi: Haha-! Sure we can. But first we gotta drop by and say hello to mommy's friend okay.

Mia: (happily) Kay!!

Once we enter town, both mother and Mia were surrounded my tons and tons of ordinary humans.

Townsman: Ohh!!! So good to see you again Lady Zelphine!

Townsman: Lady Eve! Young lady Miathel! It's so good to see you back in one piece.

Zelphi: (smiling) I'm glad to see you're all doing well.

As both mother and Mia were being showered by love and admiration. I just stood there dumbfounded. They're humans..why would mother want to associate herself with those lesser life forms?? Unable to stand the sight of the crowd, I decided to leave them and walked down a broaden path.

I hate humans, I heard they're weaklings who don't know their place. Who don't know how powerless and incapable they all are. What a bunch of insects. They're not worthy of my attention. Just then, a man with blonde hair stood in my way. He was clad with a golden armor with a sword by his side.

Blonde hair man: Halt!! Evil creature of injustice for your eyes shine like the darkest abyss.

Zael: (annoyed) The hell-?

Blonde hair man: Feast your eyes and be blinded by the light of the one true warrior of justice! For I am Theodore of Rasmaina!! Defender of evil!! Hero of-!!!

Zael: (coldly) Shut up and get lost.

I coldly spat those words out before walking in a different path.

Theodore: Wha-!! Hey! I wasn't done with the monologue yet!!

I ignored the insignificant human and continue on my way. Just what's his problem??

Theodore: Hm. Hm. I see. So the demon's running away? (Proudly) Haha-! I guess my dazzling light was too powerful for you!

Zael: What?

I suddenly stopped on my tracts and coldly stared back at the man with a psychotic look. Just who does this puny human think he's talking to?

Zael: (coldly) Human. Do you want to die?

Theodore: Nothing can kill the warrior of light. It's YOU who shall be vanquished. Begone! Foul demon!!

Hoho..this human has no idea what's he getting into. Just as he was charging forward with his sword in hand, I stood still and read his movement. There's no need to call out Kurogai to kill this one insignificant mortal. The Blondie swung his sword and I was prepared to catch it by the blade. But when I did, a burning sensation burst through my skin and scorched my hands. I was startled and immediately put some distance between us.

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