Chapter 24. No Light

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Days had passed since we've arrived at the Witch's castle. Mr. Soren told me to find him in the throne room once I reached an answer.Yet..what's taking me so long? I thought I already made up my mind yet, hearing what'll really happen if I fail makes me....hesitant.

Never mind the fact about death, cause at this point, I don't fear it. I dunno if I even have the will to live. What's keeping me going is with gramp's punches that reminded me that there's still something I have to do. I had already lost everyone, but I am not gonna lose Mia!

After the third day, I gathered my resolve and entered through the throne door. As I turned the knob and entered the room with a serious mood. I heard a loud pop as millions of confetti and glitter was being blown towards my direction.

Zael: Ack! What the-!! Bleh-!

I felt the dry taste of confetti in my mouth and tried to spit it out but more flew in as I tried to spit out more. Just then three kids dressed in fancy magical outfits formed a circle around me.

Minerva: (happily) Suprise! Suprise!

Diana: (expressionless) Looks like he finally made it.

Belladonna: (smiles) So nice for you to finally join us prince Zael.

Zael: Urf-! Wha-?!

The lady in black got up from her throne chair and walked towards me with her high heels clacking with each step she took. She raises her black feathered fan and places it just below her face with her bewitching gaze.

Queen Hecate: I welcome you cute prince. I am Queen Hecate, Queen of-

Zael: (uninterested) The dark kingdom who houses black magic? The forbidden knowledge that is feared by many, association with Zephiel blah blah and so on, yeah. I know. Let's just get on with it.

Queen Hecate: (frowns) My how rude-! If it weren't for your handsome face I would've-

Zael: Sorry. There, you happy? I'm not here to make small talk. I'm already angry at myself for taking this long to make an obvious decision. I need to control my true powers in order to save Mia.

Soren: Zael, nothing good ever happens from being impatient. I just wanted you to be certain of your decision.

Zael: I'm as certain as I'll ever be. There is no going back by this point.

Soren: Then..I assume you'll have no regrets regardless of the results?

Zael: (serious) None.

Soren: (sigh) Then I can't stall you any longer.

I walked towards the center of the rhinestone floor and watched as the others were carefully being placed around me.

Soren: Hecate, stay in your chair and make sure Zael's aura of destruction doesn't evoke the Nephilems around us.

Hecate: Indeed. They could pose a threat

Soren: Elder Belldonna, Elder Minerva, Elder Diana. You three are in charge of the barrier.

Minerva: You can count on us!

Belladonna: We'll do our best.

Diana: Holding back a mere child..Hm, simply child's play.

Soren: Good. Can you place me and Set in with him.

Minerva: Wait-?! Just the two of you-?! That's insane!!

Belladonna: I..I don't think that's a good idea.

Soren: (calm smile) Rest assure. I have Set with me. He'll be able to handle it.

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