Chapter 23. Brand the Name

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No matter how we slice it, the platinum metal that caged us just won't cut. Just as expected of the Excalibur, the sword that never breaks can create platinum metal that cannot be destroyed. Me and gramps frustratingly hit the floor.

Luciano: Why that no good brat! How dare he treat an elderly like me with such disrespect. Still..I suppose that just goes to show their desperation.

Zael: Gramps. I doubt sitting here and waiting for the branded to come is going to do us any good.

Luciano: Well ya got any good ideas grandson?

I didn't reply back. There was nothing we could do but wait I guess. As time passed, boredom fills me. I began to sing again. It's funny, all these years I loafed the sound of the music in my voice. But now, it just has a soothing effect and I wholeheartedly embrace it.

My song reminded me of mother. I've...not been the best son to her but mother..she's been trying her best to be a good mom to me all this time. Even though I continuously rejected her, I was blinded by my hate, everything around me just seemed like a lie. But mother..she never rejected me, even when I was sinking in my own darkness. I just wish..that I could've apologized to her at the end. How I would give for us to truly again.

I stopped singing and snapped out of my thoughts. I quickly wiped away the tear drops that were forming around my eyes before gramps bugged me about it. I don't want to sit here and regret what I didn't do, for now, I'll do what I can do. And that's to save Mia no matter what!

Suddenly the ground shook and we hear an uproar on the other side of the cage. Gramps who was taking a nap suddenly woke up.

Luciano: (sleepy) Why you noisy bunch, can't an old man get his sleep?

Zael: Gramps, wake up. I think something's going on out there.

The noise outside suddenly grew louder with the tremor that follows. Suddenly there was a loud BANG, I felt the shock vibrating outside the cage. After a few seconds it was quiet, but then there was a soft murmur.

Kid's Voice: (softly) Back away.

That was our only warning before the platinum cage was violently smashed apart, the shock wave sent us flying with a ton of scrap metal falling down on upon us. I braced for impact as I was being buried alive. When the tremor ended, I forcefully struggled to the top of the debris and gasped for air. The chandelier lights in the ceiling burned my eyes as I saw gramps rising from the debris.

Luciano: (gasp)!!!!

Zael: (breathing heavily) Gah-! alright..?

Luciano: Ugh..never better grandson. My shoulders are stiff as stones. I guess little Soren came earlier than expected.

When the smoke cleared, we saw a hazy figure standing in the doorway. The figured who stood there was a little kid, looked about 12 years old, wearing a brown cape and animal skull mask that only covered the top of his tanned face.

Zael: that Soren..?

Luciano: (frowns) least I don't think so.

The masked kid slowly and silently walked towards us. Just as he did, the platinum soldiers came flooding into the room behind him and pointed their spears at us.

Raymond: Stand down "branded name". Or else you won't go unscathed.

The kid he called "branded name" remained in silence as he made his way towards us. Once we were arm lengths apart, he stared up at us, I couldn't see his eyes at all behind that hollow mask.

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