Chapter 10. Unbreakable Chains

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Mother glared at Evi the entire time we walked back to the Elven castle. Apparently I struck a deal with this mad women in order for her to spare Evi's life. I couldn't let mother hurt someone who looked so helpless and remorseful as her. Evi means well and she knows she's wrong. It's as clear as day, but mother's vision had been clouded by the past.

Zelphi: (angrily) What are you doing?! Get away from Zael, stay at least 5 meters away!

Evi: (terrified) Eek!!!

Mother pulled a scythe in between us with a glare that's ready to kill.

Zael: Mother don't-ah..I mean. (Politely) Dearest mother. Evi means no harm so please calm down.

Zelphi: (happily) Aww..if Zael says so!

Mother then cheerfully skipped ahead in a good mood. When her back was turned, my face naturally turned back into a scowl. By the gods!! It's most infuriating to act this way, especially towards her!!! However..that is the condition for sparing Evi's life. But of course mother would never let her get away so she said that she'll use Evi to find the other sinners. At least she isn't going to imprison her like she did with the other two sinners I saw in the dungeon of Tartarus.

Evi: (timidly) Z-Zael...Is..everything alright?

Zael: Huh? Yeah. Everything's fine.

Evi: Really? But you look so angry earlier.

Zael: That's to be expected. Mother's getting on my nerves right now. But I'll keep the act up when I'm around her.

Evi: (depressingly) That must be tough for you...

Zael: It's fine. Really. It's better than having mother kill you.

Evi: Zael..can I ask. Why did you save me? I'm..your target aren't I.

Zael: Not anymore. I didn't exactly know who we're up against when mother said she's on a journey to find the seven sins. I thought you guys would be villains of true evil but you were far from that Evi.

Evi: Thank shouldn't judge me based on my appearance. I..I really am what they described.

Zael: That may be so but it seems you're willing to repent, so you're no longer our enemy. I'm sure if I talk to father, he'll make mother understand.

Evi: (smiles) Thank you Zael. Thank you!

Seeing Evi's smile was oddly satisfying, I guess I did the right thing. I'll make sure to protect her from mother and let her live her peaceful life when this is all over. Once we made it to the Elven castle, Evi was forced to wait outside the gates.

Zelphi: (smiling) Listen here Envy. Try to run away, and I'll catch and kill you in a heart beat understand.

Evi: Y-Yes ma'am.

Just like that, I watch as the Elven guards hostilely circled her. I was about to go and make them back off but then mother forcefully pulled me inside. We were immediately greeted by The king and queen while Uri ran up to Mia.

Uri: Miss Miathel. I'm glad you found your mother safely.

Mia: Thank you!! It was all thanks to Uri that helped.

King Lucas: Well Reaper king. It's fortunate that you've caught the sin that was lurking in our forest. For that I thank you.

Queen Leanne: Thank you once again King.

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