Chapter 25. Voice Lost in Time

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I woke up with my head banging in a fury. Oww...gods..what..happened..? I was staring at the same ceiling from when I woke from the Witch's castle. Just right besides me, my long forgotten captor was leaning on my bedside.

Kuon: (unamused) Finally awake prince?

Zael: Urg...K-Kuon..?!

Kuon: Yeah it's me. So how are you feeling. Soren told me that you lost control of your powers.

Zael: No way...Is Mr. Soren alright?? What about Set?

Kuon: They'll live. You on the other hand almost died. If I hadn't delivered the elixir from Merlin on time, then you would've been a goner for sure.

Zael: you mean...?

Soren: He means it went according to plan.

Just then, Soren walked in with a crestfallen expression. His dark green robes were replaced with a grayish one as he made his way towards me. I stared at him baffled.

Zael: What...?

Soren: (solemnly) I mean what I say., we knew you weren't able to control your powers.

Zael: "We"?

Soren: Yes. It was Merlin and I who planned this. He suggest that I help unlock your powers in hopes to use it against the sinners. But it's asking the impossible, I advised against it. If it were up to me, I would've strip you from your abilities in order to prevent the forewarned destruction.'s rare for us to have conflicting ideals. But no matter, in the end, your powers are now gone either way.

Zael: What?! There's no way!!

I held out my hands in front of me and tried to gather my aura into my palm. But nothing form, I couldn't control the natural energy around me. I then began shaking.

Zael: H-How is this possible???

Soren: Ordinarily. It's not. But about a decade ago. Milord Zephiel asked me to create a spell that would subdue a god's power when needed. I assume he wanted to use this spell on himself, but I ended up using it on you. You see, after years of research, I devised a near perfect philosopher stone that can take away immortality..with a twist. In short, you will never be able to use your powers again since I destroyed it from it's very core. And like Kuon said, you would've died if he didn't delivered the elixir that Merlin made.

Kuon: (arrogantly) Humph. A waste of time if you ask me. You should've just taken it away from the start. Or better yet you shouldn't have left like Zelphi told you!!

I hanged my head down in dejection as Soren defended me.

Soren: Kuon. Calm yourself. It is not Zael's fault.

Kuon: (angrily) Then who's fault is it?! Zelphi's gone because of him!! I've lost her!!!

Soren: Indeed. We've lost a dear friend. Just like how this child has lost his mother. He feels as heartbroken as all of us, perhaps even more.

Kuon: (breaths deeply) You're right. Sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly.

Soren: (smirks) It's always amusing to see you care more about Zelphi than your own wife.

Kuon: (blushes) Wha-! Hey!!! T-That not true-!!!

Soren: (smiles) Of course.

As I watch Kuon becoming flustered, Soren let out a small chuckle. I tried getting up from bed and suddenly felt pain shoot through me.

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