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Sitting in a cell for hours upon hours really does bring out your creativity. So far I've made three drawings, all significant and meaningful in their own way. Also, sadly, referencing Her.  I didn't mean to, it was a subconscious choice. One was a collection of Her features placed in no specific order. The next, a drawing based off Her favorite song. Lastly, a side profile portrait of Her. I feel bad for the trees that were wasted in my creations.

"Those are amazing!"

I jump at the suddenness and accidentally toss my pencil.

"I..I didn't  hear you come in," I stammer. Miss. Dyer laughs airily and kneels down to get a closer look, her crystal blue eyes scanning each individually.

"These are really detailed! Wow!"

I mumble a quick thanks and retrieve my pencil. She must've noticed the expression on my face because she drops the topic.

"Well, my purpose for being here is to take you to the Entertainment room."

Oh yeah, I forgot. It's Wednesday, and every Wednesday us patients are taken to the 'Entertainment room', the only place with electronics. We're still closely monitored, but it's better than nothing. Going there also means I don't have to see Miss. Ryder today, which is a good thing. Miss. Dyer stands and brushes off her skirt.


I nod and follow her closely. I sometimes wonder why I haven't tried running away before, but there's no point. I'd have nowhere to go, plus I'd get caught. Miss. Dyer unlocks the door to the Entertainment room and welcomes me in. Ah, how refreshing. All my friends in one place, this is great. I'm about to sit down on a couch to watch TV when I'm tackled by Sadie. She giggles like it's the funniest thing and brushes her hair out of her face. "Heyyyy," she says, drawing out the 'y'. "Hello," I mutter as I slide her off me. Sadie grows serious and her eyes try to focus on mine.

"I can't kiss you when you're flying around me Finnie."

I'm momentarily confused, but then it dawns upon me. Whatever she's on today, it must be really strong.

"Well, Sadie," I say while standing up to go to the computers. "I hope you enjoy your..uh, flight."

She shakes her hand up and down and giggles into her hands.

"Your hair looks soft." She slurs.

"Bye Sadie."

That girl's a handful. I sit at the only open spot, which happens to be by Babyface, and log into the computer. Glancing at the screen beside me, I see Babyface is looking up places that ship guns. "Whatchya doing?"

He closes the tab hurriedly and glares at me.

"It's none of your business Wolfhard." He spits.

I shrug indifferently and do what I always do when I'm here. Stalk my family's Facebooks. I know it sounds super creepy, but oddly enough, I miss them. A small smile spreads on my face when I see a recent picture of my parents.

"What are you looking at Finn?" Babyface asks nosily.

His eyes grow wide when he fully takes in the monitor.

"Are you allowed to do that? Look up your families?"

"I don't know.." I say quietly.

"Dang Wolfhard, your mom's ho-"

"shut up."

Babyface's brows knit.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Probably not my best idea, he's only a murderer and all. He stands up fast, making his chair fall over. Cracking his knuckles, he lets out a crazed laugh. From the other side of the room, Caleb's distinct voice yells "knock his lights out!"

I break into a nervous sweat. Where's the help when you need them?

"You're gonna regret this someday Wolfhard."

Too late, I already do. Before I even realize what's happening, a hard fist connects with my jaw and the world falls black.

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