Figuring Things Out

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Life is good.

Taking a long deep breath, I readjust myself on the seat in the lunch room.

I feel so much better than I did last night. With my sister and almost girlfriend out all night fighting vampires, I was a little nervous. There was a good chance that Faith could mention what's been happening between me and her in the heat of the moment or something. It was really hard to sleep knowing that my life could change without my knowing it if I went to sleep.

Eventually though, I had to go to sleep. I'm pretty sure I passed out around 3 am. When I woke up, Buffy was home and making breakfast. My first reaction was to ask her everything there was to know about Faith and the things they talked about. That would've totally given everything away though, so I had to hold back. I asked whether she was all right and whether there were any inklings of some big evil rising somewhere. Thankfully, there weren't. She was okay and it was just a routine, simple patrol with a vampire here and there.

Faith was okay too apparently. They had a little trouble with a couple of vamps and she got a little bruised, but nothing serious. A part of me wanted to go see Faith and make sure she was all right, I had school though. And after the whole Sunnydale debacle where I kinda skipped half a semester of school, I didn't need my new school calling Buffy and asking where I was. Buffy's liable to ground me for a couple days if she found out I skipped any classes. She wants to make sure I get an education the way Mom would've wanted me to, and I love her for it. But some part of me still worried about Faith.

So now I'm here, at school, trying to decide whether I should go by Faith's place after school and see if she's all right. I'm sure she is, she's got the whole slayer healing thing. I'd still feel a whole lot better if I could see it for myself though. Just to know with my own two eyes that she's okay. To hug her and feel her hug me back. Maybe give her a kiss to let her know she's still alive.

Feel her lips against mine in that soft, passionate way I felt before. Have her hands on me, touching me and teasing me the way she did in the back of the movie theatre last night. That felt so good. What I wouldn't give to have her do that to me again, knowing that she really is fine. It'd be such a good feeling. I'm not sure I could do it without getting a barrage of questions from my sister when I came home. Or when she came home even, depending on how long it'd take.

Faith's place is about a 15 minute detour from home. Buffy would wonder where I went and I'm not sure I'd have an answer for her. Maybe I could tell her I went for an afternoon snack at Joe's Pizza or something. Course, then I'd hear it from her about how I'm ruining my dinner and all that. She's such a mom that way. Do I really want to hear a big long lecture like that? On the other hand, how much do I really want to see Faith? It might be worth a lecture for a chance to kiss Faith. And I'm sure Faith would appreciate it very much if I did.

Like they do every day, one of the teachers walks past me, eyeing me suspiciously.

It still bugs me that they do that. But then I can't really blame them. The last demon attack to happen here about a month ago, I was right in there. Heck, I all but jumped right on the demon's back when I saw it. Probably one of the more idiotic ideas I've had since we moved here, but it was big and hairy and I couldn't see a slayer in sight. It's not like I had any other kind of plan. I keep a stake and holy water in my locker just in case, but from the look of it, I didn't think either would help.

So I jumped it, actually held my own for the five minutes it took for Farah and Tess to show up after all the commotion. They took out the demon pretty easily after a while. It wasn't exactly  one of the biggest thinkers. Later we found out it was a Karlak demon. Mostly just out to smash and kill things. The official story in the school though was a giant bear got into the school. So a bunch of students and a couple teachers think I jumped a pissed off bear. That hasn't really helped my reputation. But that's okay, it's not like I wanted to run for homecoming queen or something. I'm not that shallow.

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