Chapter 1

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I stared out the window as I sat at my desk. Leaves brushed across the floor after falling off the huge sycamore tree. I smiled as I saw a small squirrel scurry up the tree to get away from the gardener. Mr. Green always had a hard time keeping that little guy out.

I look back at the front of the classroom and saw a group of girls gossiping over the latest news or rumors. Leaning back, I closed my eyes and breathed in. The air smelled of freshly baked cookies that came from the nutrition room down the hall.

"You alright Kyra?" a voiced next to me asked. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a girl with hair red as blood sitting in the chair next to mine. A smile slowly formed upon my lips after seeing my best-est friend in the whole world.

"Yeah. I'm just a little tired, Lorea." I said giving her a big smile while closing my eyes. When I opened them back up, I saw that her gaze was towards a certain boy in our class.

"He's so cute." Lorea said just above a whisper. Her light blue eyes twinkled as the sun shined upon her face. She sighed and looked at me, causing her hair to flow through the air effortlessly. Clearly I was jealous of her looks, but I had my own that were unique to my body.

I took a strand of my long black hair and ran my fingers through it until it reached the end. I then proceeded the routine over and over again. I happen to look down at my notebook that my arm was resting on. I picked it up and opened to the next blank page. Picking up my pencil, I proceeded to draw myself with perfectly gorgeous white wings.

With every stroke I felt a tension in my chest. It was always like this. I could never finish drawling an angel due to the pain it caused to well up into my chest where my heart was. I closed my notebook in frustration and looked out the window. Oh how I wanted to fly along side my friends.

The door swung open and a woman who seemed to be in her early thirties walked into the class with a mound of books floating behind her. A book sat itself on every desk that had a student sitting in it.

A smirk formed on her face as her booming voice said, "Welcome to angel school everyone. My name is Mrs. Love and I will be your main teacher through this long journey. You all know that very soon, each and every one of you will sprout wings but that only depends on how hard you work and study. Let us begin."

Yeah...angels...that's what we're called...the servants of god...protectors of the human race...beautiful creatures that obey our father no matter the cost...yeah...that's us alright, but I feel like an outcast from the white winged creatures...and I don't know why.

For the longest time, I've had this feeling that I wasn't like my friends or classmates. This feeling of sadness where hope should be found...feelings of anxiety where there should be happiness. Constantly thinking for myself instead of for God's big plan. In my mind, I've always questioned our father.

Because of these feelings, I've always felt...alone.

"Kyra Angel!" Our teacher yelled as she looked around the room.

Sighing, I raised my hand and said, "Here." When she looked my way, there was a hint of concern in her eyes. I brushed it off as she continued down the line of names in the classroom.

I turned my head so the side and watched out the window as the breeze blew through the trees making the branches dance around. I took a deep breath and could almost smell the fresh air through the glass. Closing my eyes, I laid my head on my desk and waited for the roll call to finish.

"Everyone is here. Great...lets get started with class. On your desk is a book that is labeled Angel Names. We will be learning about the meaning behind your names and the names of those who have lived in the past and are alive today. I want all of you to look up the meaning behind your name. You will share with everyone once there is only twenty minutes left of class. You may begin."

With that, everyone opened their books and started on the assignment that was assigned for the day. I followed the example of everyone else and opened my textbook to the first page. I read the first paragraph.

"Every angel has a name that was given to them from our father. Our names tells us more about ourselves and the ability God has bestowed upon you. Finding your path begins with finding the meaning of your name and then proceed with taking classes that will better your assigned power."

I closed the book and rolled my eyes. There is no way the meaning behind our name determines what kind of angel we would turn out to be. I looked around the room and saw that the others were reading and looking up the meaning behind their names. I gave a slight chuckle and shook my head.

"Why not." I said to myself. "Finding out what my name means might be fun. I wonder if the power I have lets me be a messenger or even better...a warrior."

I opened my book back up and flipped through the pages that had lists of names and their meanings.

Kyona.................Light; deity

Kyra..............Darkness; dark ruler

Kyreena..............Lord; deity

I quickly slammed my book causing everyone in the class to look my way.

"There was no way my name could mean that." I shouted in my mind. "If our names were given to us by God, then why would he give me a name that means that!"

I looked at my book that sat closed upon my desk. The cover stared back at me with the words Angel Names written in bold. I closed my eyes while covering my ears. I slowly started to rock myself not caring that I was in the middle of class.

"NO! I don't want this! God, please. Change my name! I don't want to mean this! I can't mean this!" I screamed to God in my head.

"Alright class. We'll begin with presenting your name meanings. We will start right here and go around the room. State your name and it's meaning. And if possible, what you think the gift God has granted you." She said while pointing to the front desk on the other side of the room.

I have to find a different meaning. There's no way I can tell everyone that my name mean dark ruler. I'd be the laughing stalk of the class for the rest of my time here. I swung my book open and read over the meaning again and again. I flipped through pages skimming as fast as I could but I couldn't find anything.

"My name is Lorea Light. Lorea means flower so my name means the flower of light." She sat back down and gave me a smile. I was up next. I shakily stood up and gulped. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"What's your name dear?" She asked with a smile.

"M-my na-name is Ky-"

At that very moment, the bell rang saving me from the embarrassment I would have received. Everyone packed up the textbook as our teacher walked out the door. I swear I saw her give me a death glare from the side. I hope I'm mistaken.

I sighed in relief and slumped in my chair. That's when it hit me...I would probably have to present my name meaning at the beginning of class next time. I slammed my head down on my desk.

"Why does this always happen to me." I said just above a whisper.

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