Chapter Four

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"Chrom!" I exclaimed as he got off Sumia's pegasi.

I sprinted toward the handsome prince and hugged him.

"You're not hurt are you?" I asked as he shakes his head and hugs me.

"No I'm fine (Y/N), thanks for asking." He stated.

"Why did those Feroxi soldiers attack you?"

"They think I'm a brigand impostor, we must battle them in order to get through." Chrom explained.

We all get into position and fight the Feroxi.


After what seemed like hours, we finally defeated the soldiers. Raimi apologized to Chrom for not believing him.

"My deepest apologies Prince Chrom. I mistook you for a brigand impostor. Please forgive me." Raimi states as Chrom forgives her.

"In Ferox, strength speaks louder than words. I should have known better than to overestimate the value of diplomacy here..." Frederick states.

Chrom holds my hand as Raimi escorts us to the capital.


"Please wait here while I summon the khan." Raimi states as she leaves the khan's headquarters.

"So, I'm assuming that the khan is out training." I stated as Chrom wraps his arm around my waist.

"Yes, the khans of Ferox prefer battle to politics. Or rather battle is their politics." Chrom responded.

"A warrior ruler, eh? I can picture him now... A giant of a man unparalleled thew, his broad chest covered in hair..." Robin comments as he chuckles.

"Am I now? Please, do go on!" An unfamiliar voice states as we notice a woman with a dark complexion saunter in.

"You're the—Er, khan I presume?" Chrom asks looking surprised.

"Yes—the East Khan. My name is Flavia, it's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Chrom. I apologize for the trouble at the border. You are welcome in Regna Ferox." Flavia apologizes as she gazes down at my waist then back at us.

"Oh my, what a cute couple." The khan compliments as Chrom and I blush.

I could've sworn I saw Robin scowl at the prince.

He lets go of my waist and they start talking about diplomatic relations. Flavia stated that she cannot provide Feroxi troops for Ylisse due to the fact that she lacks authority. The only way she can provide for us is if we represent her and win the upcoming tournament. Chrom agrees on representing her. Flavia warns us that the West Khan has a swordsman that is very powerful. He tells her not to worry and that the swordsman shall be defeated. She compliments Chrom telling him that she likes his attitude.


Later that night, the East Khan tells Chrom to prepare himself for the tournament. The prince chooses his best soldiers: Frederick, Lissa, Robin, Sully, himself, and I.

After Chrom chose whom is going to battle, Flavia leads us to the arena. It was overcrowded with thousands of civilians whom were looking forward to see which khan is going to take power over the next few years.

As the Ylissean Shepherds get into position, I caught a glimpse of the mysterious guy who saved Lissa from the Risen.

"Chrom! Look! It's Marth!" Lissa exclaims.

"I see him..." Chrom bluntly states.

I stare at Marth for a while until Chrom broke me out of my trance.

"Marth! One question, before we begin..." Chrom spoke as the blue haired swordsman stays silent.

"...Fine then. Our swords can speak for us!" The prince exclaims as Marth and Chrom draw their swords.

They both begin to fight mercilessly. It was an awesome sight since they were pretty good at using their swords.

Speaking of swords, I notice that Marth's sword looked a lot like Chrom's Falchion.

"Tell me—Who taught you how to fight like that?" Chrom inquires as he swings his sword.

"My father!" Marth responds as they both withdraw their swords.

Chrom orders me to pair up with him and stay by his side. We fought against Marth's team mercilessly. After our team defeated a few Feroxi soldiers, Chrom and Marth fought ferociously. As they were fighting, Chrom asked Marth who was his father, but Marth would not tell us due to his stubborn nature. In the end, the Ylissean Shepherds won the battle.

"Thanks (Y/N) for staying by my side! You were great!" Chrom complimented.

"You're welcome..." I stated shyly as I looked down.

Chrom lifts my chin up gently and stares into my (E/C) orbs. I felt my cheeks heating up as he cups my cheek. He leans in closer and I felt his soft lips pressed against mine.

Oh my Naga! I thought as I kiss him.

The Prince vs The Tactician | (Chrom x Reader x Male!Robin)Where stories live. Discover now