Erwin x Neko!Levi (Part one)

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Hanji is 3 days late with her paperwork. Levi thinks to himself as he walks to Hanji's' office/lab. HE doesn't bother to knock. "OI SHITGLASSES" He yells. Hanji started at the small captain's entrance drops the beaker she was holding. "Captain short stuff!" She says ignoring the fact that she had dropped he beaker. Levi walks right up to the crazed woman putting the blank paper work on her desk. Levi glares at hanji's beaming face. "Get this done." He says walking out. Hanji breaths out the breath she never noticed that she was holding sighing, she takes the gloves off of her hands and goes to do the work. Levi now in his office was feeling kind of weird. Must be tired he thought to himself walking to his bed. Levi falls asleep quickly which doesn't happen often do to his sleep apnea.

Erwin looks to the clock. Noon? And Levi is not awake. That is unheard of. Erwin quickly goes to Levi's room knocking on the door. Levi who is still sleeping rolls over not caring about the commander outside his room. "Levi?" Erwin calls. No answer. "I'm coming in" He says opening the door. Erwin slips into Levi's room. Looking around he sees the paperwork on Levi's desk half done. Erwin sighs and walks to the bedroom. Opening the curtains. Earning a groan from Levi. "Levi. It's noon w-" Erwin stops talking when Levi sits up. Levi sniffs rubbing his eyes. Seeing that the commander is in his room he cocks an eyebrow. "Why are you staring at me?" Levi asks annoyed. Erwin blushes slightly pointing at the mirror just beyond the bed. Levi looks and sees exactly what Erwin was surprised about. He had ears? Cat ears? Levi stands up. And a tail?! Levi growls Hanji's name throwing a shirt on and running to the scientists counters. Erwin follows smirking as he watches Levi's tail sway as he runs. And he couldn't help himself but think about how bloody adorable Levi really was.

End of part one. 

This was suggested by @Raphewel122 

I hope that you all like it. More coming soon. 

Thank you for reading ~ Robyn-Lynn

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