Erwin x Levi - Poisoned Levi (2)

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Levi's condition was getting worse. Erwin had locked up the widow and they found out who he was. His name was Chris, he was a old friend of Levi's. Apparently. Hanji was trying to help Levi without Chis' help because how could they trust the man that tried to kill him to save him. But, nothing was working and Levi was running out of time.

Hanji walks up to Erwin who was sitting next to Levi holding his hand. "Erwin...There is nothing else I can do. We have to trust Chris' word." Erwin glares at Hanji "No." Hanji gets angry "Erwin! Levi is going to die if we don't do something look at him!" Erwin looks at Levi, his form was sweating and he was pale. His breathing was fast and not even. " what you must." She nods and storms out of the room and down to Chris. The guards try to stop her but when they saw the look in her eyes they backed off. She grabs a small blade and goes to Chris. "What do I owe the pleaser?" Hanji holds up the blade to his neck "Tell me how to save him." Chris smirks looking he dead in the eyes "no" She takes the blade and plunges it into his left leg. Chris whimpers in pain. She grabs him by the hair making him look at her. "Tell me." Chris clears his throat, "no". "Guards! Get more knives." Hanji said a look of murderous intent upon her features.

Hanji torchers Chris night and day for about 3 days. And every few hours she stops and asks him how to save Levi...and every time "no". That is until today. "PLEASE NO MORE!? Chris screams. Hanji stops she places the firey red blade on his thigh. "How do I save him!" Chris looks at Hanji. And tells her.

Levi's condition is getting worse and worse. Erwin is worried sick, he's pacing the room over. He has become pale and sickly. Levi stars in his fevered slumber whimpering in pain, Erwin hates that he cannot do anything to help the pain all that he can do is stand beside him. "Levi, Im so sorry I let this happen to you." He says kissing Levi's hand. "E-Erwin..." Levi's voice is weak. Erwin looks at Levi, he was sleep talking. "Im here." he says.

Hanji rushes around the office trying to put together his antidote. It was a strange recipe but at this point she would do anything. She finished it and runs to Levi's room. She opens the door Erwin looks at her, "Here!" she says Erwin stands "is that the antidote?" "yes." She says handing it to Erwin "He has to swallow it." Erwin attempts to pour it into Levi's mouth but that doesn't work so he places it into his mouth and placing his lips onto Levi's he makes him drink it. Levi beings to breath heavily and he starts to whip around in pain. "Hold him down!" Hanji orders. Erwin nods and holds down Levi's hand Hanji his legs. After a good minute he stops. His breathing stops. Erwin's eyes widen "no" He says Hanji stands placing a hand on his pulse "no" Erwin says again. Tears welling up into his eyes, "i'm sorry Erwin." Hanji says not looking at him. "No." He says again putting a hand on Levi's cheek. He kiss his forehead before he runs out of the room.

Hanji stays with Levi. Tears begin to pour down her face, she puts her head down "Im sorry Levi" she crys. "What are you crying for shit face." Her head perks up "LEVI!" She says hugging him tightly "Let go of me!" Levi looks around the room "Where is Erwin?" Hanji looks at Levi "I don't know" Levi tries to stand but falls "Hey you should move yet!" Levi slaps he hand away "Don't tell me what to do. Where is Erwin...where is Chris?" Hanji looks at Levi is surprised, "who is he Levi?" Levi looks down "Levi?" She looks at him helping him to sit down. "Chris is..." Hanji looks at Levi she is curious. "He was the one who destroyed me." Hanji looks at him now worried. "What do you mean?" Levi breaths in and loos at Hanji "He was the one who raped me when I was young, the one who gave me so many of my scars." he looks at Hanji pure hate in his eyes. They were cold and unfeeling this makes Hanji uneasy. "Now where is he?" Levi says venom in his voice. "In the dungeon"

Erwin was in a cell with Chris. "Commander-" Erwin cuts the guard off "Make sure no one comes in. That's an order." Erwin is mad. Mad with grief. He begins to walk towards Chris. "Why!" He screams "Why did you kill him!" Chris looks at Erwin confusion in his eyes "Levi is-" Erwin punches him in the face. "He's dead! You killed him remember" His voice is angry but low and scary. Chris falls to his knees, "He can't be dead. That sound have cured him." Erwin picks Chis up by the collar, punching him again and again. "Get up!" Erwin orders. Chis begins to laugh. "He's dead!" His laugh was evil. This just pissed Erwin up more. He beats the shit out of him "WHY TELL ME!" Chris looks at Erwin "Because, he left me...for you! IT's your fault!" Erwin stops "IF you didn't bring him to the surface he would still be alive!" He laughs more. Spitting some blood from his mouth. He weakly stands up "You killed him! The Levi that I loved was dead long before yours! You took him away from me so I took him from you!" Erwin clenches his fists. "You bastard!" "tell me commander how'd he taste?" Erwin is furious, "It was you!" Chris smirks. Erwin punches him again and again "You're the one!" Erwin beats the shit out of Chris. He was lying on the floor blood pouring from his nose, mouth and ears. "I'm going to kill you!" he holds his fist up high and goes to punch until, "Erwin!" A voice calls. It can't be Erwin turns to see Levi standing there holding onto Hanji for support. " "You're alive" Levi nods "takes more then a bit of poison to kill me" He says that but, He was still pale and he looked so fragile. "Let me" Erwin stops and watched at Levi walks slowly over to Chris. "Hello again." Chris spat, "Shut up you disgusting pig." Levi pulls out a knife, Chris smiles at him "you're to weak?" He says Levi says nothing pushing him up against the wall "Oh yeah?" He says stabbing him in the gut. Chris coughs up blood He puts a hand onto Levi's face "You're still just as beautiful as you were." Levi pulls the blade from his gut Chris falls to the floor. "Levi." Erwin says his voice low and soft. He walks up behind him Levi falls back into his arms "That was harder than I thought." he says Erwin smiles at Levi. "I love you." Erwin says. Levi smirks "Don't get cheesy with me." Erwin nods "Your right. I'm sorry" He kissing Levi on the forehead. "Lets go." 

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