Erwin x Sick!Levi (Re-Write)

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Hanji's POV

Levi knocks on my door. He was pale and sickly looking. "Levi this is the fourth time this week. I really think you shou-" He cuts me off. "Shut up." He says grabbing the pill bottle on my desk. I start saying something but, I stop when levi slams the door closed.

I haven't figured out what was wrong with Levi. All I know is what Isabel and Farlan told me before they died. That he and his mother got sick. Levi was just a child back then and he hasn't ever fully recovered. She gave me the medicine's recipe and later that month they both died in an expedition.

3rd POV

Levi takes his medication and heads to the meeting Erwin was holding about tomorrow's mission. He slips in and stands at the back of the lecture hall.

When Erwin was done he walks over to Levi. "So how was it?" He asks smiling warmly. Levi clicks his tongue, "Tsk, it was as boring as ever." Levi says looking away from Erwin. Erwin just smirks at his comment and motions him to follow.

They both enter Erwin's office/room. Levi sits down in Erwin's chair behind his desk. "Hanji tells me that you are visiting her more often as of late." He says looking at Levi seriously. Levi just glares, "Anything you want to tell me?" Erwin says walking over to him. Levi shakes his head, "no." He says firmly, standing up and leaving the room.

Erwin knew better than to ask any further, but he did wish Levi's would open up to him more, after all they have been married for almost 3 years now. Sighing, Erwin looks out the window. "Huh, looks like it will be raining tomorrow."


"All units go after the Female titan. Levi! Take your squad into the woods. Meet up here at noon." Levi nods his head. And he and Erwin split off. Levi into the woods and Erwin off to the nearest village.

ANOTHER TIME SKIP (Because I can xD)

They are all dead. Levi thought as the rain began to pour. Levi beings to cough. Dammit, why now. Levi thought to himself.

"Where is Levi?" Erwin asks Mike. Mike shrugs his shoulders. "I really have no idea sir. He and his squad have not returned yet to base camp." Erwin nods and begins to pace, after a few minutes he made up his mind. "Hanji, come with me. The rest of you Mike is in charge I will be back shortly." Hanji and Erwin shoot off their 3dmg into the woods.

Corpses are all that is left of the Special operations squad. The rain was letting up slightly as Hanji spots a figure. "There!" She says confidence in her voice. She and Erwin land. "Levi!" Erwin calls. The figure looks up, It's him thank the gods. Erwin thought as they walk towards him. As they got closer they realize he was limping and his breathing is ragged. "Levi..." Hanji said.

Erwin's eye widen as Levi stumbles. Bracing himself for the hard earth, Levi was surprised not to be met with the ground but, Erwin's arms wrap around him. "I, I need-" Levi began. Erwin interrupts,"Are you hurt?' Levi shakes his head wheezing. "I have you now. You will be ok." Erwin says his voice full of concern and authority. Levi looks up into the commander's eyes as he coughs again this time blood comes from his mouth. Levi begins feeling his eyes become heavy. The last thing he sees before falling asleep is Erwin calling Hanji.

FEW END OF PART ONE////So sorry about the slow updates Exams are coming up. I actually did this in class...oh well. After the 27th of June I will be done with school, so I should be up loading more Erwin and Levi. As always I am always open to suggestions.     Thank you for reading this


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