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Missing (Erwin x Levi)

(warning, fluff and lemon)

Erwin had been MIA for the past 2 weeks. Levi had at the time been injured from the Female titan mission. So since then Erwin had gone onto another mission, leaving Levi. Hanji hadn't gone for Erwin didn't want Levi doing anything rash if he didn't return. Erwin also, had given Levi an envelope and told him not to open unless I died.

Today is the day Levi finds out if he open's it alone...Or with Erwin.

I haven't slept in the 2 week's Erwin has been missing in action. Hanji had tried to force me and my fellow comrades try as well but, I refused. How the hell can I rest if erwin might be out there... I can't bring myself to finish that thought. I am pacing in my office thinking the only thing I can hear is my own breath and the clicking of my shoes on the stone floor. I stop and look out the window looking for the rescue team that had went out yesterday. Nothing. I pace around some more and look again. This repeated for maybe half an hour before, the door to my office is opened and Hanji stood there with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. All she said to me was 2 words. "He's Alive!"

((Hanji brought Levi to the infirmary. She brings Levi to Erwin's room and lets him go in. Then she makes sure no one else gets inside the room.))

"Erwin..." I say my voice cracking from the attempt not to cry. He nods his head, "The one and only." He says a smile on his face. I walk over slowly to him, putting my hand out. He takes it and holds it to his face It really if him. I let myself cry. Erwin looks at me with surprise on his face, but his surprise soon turns to concern. "Are you alright?" he asks me. I look into his eyes and nod. "Yes. im alright." I say as Erwin puts a hand to my cheek. "Erwin...I need to-" He cut me off by grabbing my collar and pulling me close to his face. I blush slightly as Erwin kisses me shyly on the lips. Once, Twice I grab the back of his face and we kiss. He deepens the kiss by, taking a handful of my hair and pushing me closer to him. We break away for air, but soon we are back at each other.

(Lemon Warning)

Erwin while kissing Levi begins to take off his jacket and then his corvette and finally begins to unbutton his shirt. Once the first few buttons are undone Erwin begins moving down Levi's neck kissing it and leaving love bites. While Erwin was doing this he and Levi slowly repossession so Erwin is on top of Levi. Levi tugs at Erwin's hair as they begin to kiss passionately. Levi began unbuttoning Erwin shirt, once that was out of the way Erwin lifts Levi up so he is straddling him and begins to play with the buckle of levi's belt.

Soon the two are naked. Erwin kissing his way down to Levi's member. "Ah Erwin..." Levi moans as Erwin puts Levi's hard member into his mouth. "I'm going to-" Erwin cuts him off my kissing him again and slowly he begins to enter Levi. Moaning in both pain and pleasure Erwin let's Levi agust to him. When Levi gives him the thumbs up he thrusts in and out, slowly at first but, soon picking up the pace. "Ahh...Levi!" Erwin moans into his ear. Levi bites down onto Erwin neak leaving a love mark, this sends Erwin over the edge, soon after Levi's joins him.

Erwin and Levi clean up and leave the room with a very embarrassed Hanji, and head up to Levi's office were the envelope was. "What is this?" Levi asks hands Erwin the envelope. "Well open it." Erwin says. Levi glares at him but does it. The envelope had a letter in it with a ring? Levi looks up at Erwin with confused eyes Erwin was beaming at him "Read the letter out loud." Levi nods and begins reading.

Dear Levi,

If you are reading this, it means I am gone or I have something to tell you.

You have been in the Survey Corps for almost 7 years now and everyday I see you, you've taken over my thoughts and dreams.

Ever since I first saw you, I fell in love with you.

So...Levi Ackerman will you give me the great honor of becoming your husband?

Putting the letter down, Levi see's Erwin kneeling with the golden band in his hand. "You idiot." Levi says kneeling down to Erwin. "Of course." he whispers into his ear. Erwin smiles as he slips the golden band onto Levi's finger. "A perfect fit." Erwin says still smiling.

The two got married 5 months later.

A/N So sorry I missed two days!! I really am trying it just I had the biggest writer's block!!! Sorry for not updating you guys!!


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