Father!Erwin x Levi (Modern)

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 Erwin is the head of a company. Levi is Erwin's assistant. Erwin has an 8-year-old daughter named Alice. Her mother was Marie who has died a few years earlier when Alice was 5 years old from a car crash. Erwin and Levi had been seeing each other more than coworkers for about 3 months. Alice seemed to like Levi so tonight Erwin is hosting a dinner for the 3 of them.

Erwin was chopping veggies with Alice when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Alice rushes over to the door to their apartment. She opens the door and there stood Levi. "LEVY!" she smiles Levi's face softened when the little girl hugs his legs. "Hello Alice. Here" He hands her a box "A treat for after dinner" She smiles "thank you Levy" she says she runs back into the apartment, Levi closes the front door and hangs up his coat before walking in. He sees Erwin and he waves "Hey Erwin." He says. Erwin smiles "Hey Levi." Walking over Levi goes and helps get things ready for dinner Alice wanted to help to so Erwin lets her help him cut the veggie. Levi puts pasta into the boiling water and puts the garlic bread into the oven. "Alice sweety can you set the table." She nods and grabs plates and the silverware. Erwin comes behind Levi and puts his head into the crook of his neck. Levi turns and the two being to kiss, "Daddy?" Erwin back away from Levi to look at his daughter. How long was she standing there for. She runs off into her room. Erwin looks to Levi, a sad look on Levi's face. Erwin kisses him again "Finish the pasta will you." Levi nods. Erwin walks over to his daughter door, "Honey?" He knocks "Just go to the table dad!" She calls. Erwin sighs and walks to the table Levi had finished cooking and was sitting down. Erwin calls for Alice and joins Levi. Alice walks to the table, she says nothing as she begins to eat she seemed to be lost in thought. She finishes her food and walks to her room. Erwin is concerned but she comes back with her hands behind her back. "What do you have there?" Erwin asks. She looks up at him then looks at Levi, she holds it in front of her chest, it was a drawing. She begins to point to each of the characters drawn. "This is Daddy and this is Levi!" she says happily. "This is our family!" She smiles at Levi. Levi's eyes are filled with happy tears. "Oh no! I didn't mean to make you sad!" She said walking over to Levi "No. I'm not sad." he says. "Then why are you crying?" he looks at Alice "I'm happy." She smiles super wide. "I'm happy you're happy!!" she says. Levi opens his arms for a hug and Alice hugs him willingly. Erwin stand up and hugs the two of them.

(Sorry this isn't my best work but, its an idea. I will be improving this one eventually)  

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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