Erwin x Blind!Levi

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((This is super short sorry))

"Hanji!" Erwin yells running into the medical ward. "Where is Levi" Erwin was in a panic. Petra Ral had gone and got him telling him that Levi was in the middle of an accident and is in the medical ward. Hanji motioned for Erwin to follow her. He does this, the two stop in front of a room. "Erwin, Levi's eyes were beyond repair the damage that was done, luckily wasn't fatal but, he lost his sight in both eyes."

My eyes widen when I hear this and I walk into Levi's room. He is sitting up in the bed a bandage around his head. "Hanji?" Levi says. I walk over to the bed and sits next to him. Levi puts a hand up and feels my face. "Erwin." He says sadness and loss in his voice. "Levi...I'm-" I stop when I hear a whimper. In all the years I have known Levi I have never heard let alone saw him show any emotion. I pull him towards me holding him in my arms. "I'm sorry-" I cut him off "there is nothing to apologize for." I say sternly. Levi pushes me away slightly and goes back to sitting up. "I'm not of use to you anymore." This hurt me, and without thinking I put my hands on either side of his face. "Levi, you do more for me than anyone else alive." A slight blush apears on his face. "Take it off." Levi says. I pause before slowly unwrapping the bandage. Levi opens his eyes. They were pale, and a scar that seemed to go from ear to ear. "Am I pretty?" he says jokingly. "Always." I say kissing his cheek.

Levi had a long time getting use to not being able to see anything and he has had his bad days, but with the help of Erwin he became more confident and still works alongside Erwin.

A/N SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I HAVEN'T HAD ANY IDEA'S AND A HUGE WRITERS BLOCK...I hope this will make it a little better. I will be updating as much as I can, in the next few days...Sorry again 

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