Chloe's first period

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Chloe's POV: 

Right, okay, this is it, I thought to myself. Classes for today:(ok, so I'm British so I don't know what the years are like grouped into in American so I'm gonna have to do it the British way)

1st period: year 9 class                                                                                                                        Free period.                                                                                                                                     3rd period: year 10 class A                                                                                                                             4th period: year 9 class B                                                                                                                       Free period 

This shouldn't be too bad, 3 periods on day 1. Although I'm not worried about the time I'm teaching because don't get me wrong I love the teaching part. It's just that in the school I last teaches in the students... what do you say? Didn't like me very much. I don't know why they just didn't think I was very cool. I like to be strict but the only reason for that is because I want them to get the best grades they can out of their GCSE qualifications so there ready for when they leave.

1st period bell   

Everyone started filling up the seats. I didn't have a seating plan because I don't know who gets along with who so I think I will start that next week. Once everyone had sat in there seats there was dead silence for at least 3 minuets, until I finally began speaking. "Umm hello everyone my name as you all know from your timetables is miss Beale, I will be your new drama teacher for the next years this year we will be studying the art of Shakespeare's Macbeth." There was a few groans f some of the students but most of them look quite pleased. " the reason why I have chosen for to study Macbeth is because from what I know it's what your next exam is mostly based from. So I thought why not put some acting towards it to help you remember some of the quotes that are most important in the play.

We did that for the rest of the lesson it went quite well acctually, the students who weren't quite excited at the start got really into it and started to remember everything. I sure do hope this helps them. 

 "Right then class it's time to start packing away to get to period 2. I should hope by next lesson you keep revising those quotes these can be fatal for your exams and we don't want anyone failing now do we? Have a great rest of the day everyone." 

End of period one

 Few that wasn't so bad they seemed to enjoy it. I'm starting to feel like I'm fitting in already I can't wait to see what the future holds. 

Right okay guys sorry for not uploading for a few days I've just been really stuck on what to write. I'm sorry this kinda sucks I'm not really used to writing that's what this is all about   I will check for mistakes later~ erin                  

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