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All the staff had an assembly today in the hall. Must be about the new changes. Not that I knew what the school was like before but anyways. I was fine until he started calling out staff members. When their name was called they had to stand to make sure they were in on time. But there was this one teacher. Miss Mitchell. God she was beautiful. Small brunette, midnight eyes, perfect figure. Just what every guy/girl would like.

I got called to the front as I am new. I wasn't to bothered before but now standing in front of Miss Mitchell I felt a little nervous. I walked up to the stage and gulped, looked around. My eyes settled on Mitchell hers on mine. This couldn't mean anything right? She was just looking at me because I'm on the stage. I mean... everyone was looking at me. For most people a lot of people looking at them on a big stage when you don't know them can be quite patronising, but me? No. This was a relief.

I stood at the front and got handed a microphone so everyone could hear me, I guess they wanted to know a bit more about me, I told them that I'm 24 yrs old. Drama teacher replacement and that I moved here a while ago. I handed the microphone back to Mr Moffatt (the head) and walked back to my seat. The rest was all boring about what they did in the holidays.

I was on my way back to class when I saw Mitchell. I don't know her name yet so that'll be the first thing I'll ask. Nervously I walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.


See what happens when the to first interact with each other in the next chapter. Do you think they will get along?~erin

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