Things aren't great

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It's been a week since Beca and Chloe had been in there crash. Chloe was fine and was seeing Beca every night and hasn't left the hospital since. Beca is still in her coma. The doctors are worried that if she doesn't wake up soon they are going to have to pull the plug, no one was happy about hearing that.

Later that day Chloe's best friend Jessica had just arrived to visit Chloe and Beca. Jessica was very understanding about the position Chloe was in right now and felt really bad for her.

"Hey chlo" Jessica said quietly as she entered becas room taking in the sight of all the mashenes Beca was hooked up on. "Oh hey Jessica" "chlo you look like you haven't slept in a couple of days how about you go home for the night, she'll be okay for one day right?" "No, I can't leave her Jessica what if something goes wrong, what if she wakes up realising I'm not here and thinks I've left her because of this!" Chloe sobbed into Jessica. With Jessica knowing that nothing will help Chloe she decided she'd go and get Chloe a burger and some fries. 

As soon as Jessica left Chloe talked to Beca knowing she can hear her.

"Hey Beca, um I hope you can hear me, I just want you to know that however you wake up from this coma nothing is going to make me love you less, In fact this is going to make me love you more because I know that you are a fighter, you are going to beat this I don't care how long it takes I don't care if it means me staying extra time in this place because u can't go home I will be here every step of the way and I hope you know that" Chloe lifted becas hand and kissed it gently as Jessica had just arrived with Chloe's food. 

becas POV 

(This is in italics because it's becas thoughts) 

Where am I? Wh can't I move? Am I dead? No, I can't be I hear voice, it sounds familiar but I can't quite match it. But wait, I hear  another voice it sounds like Chloe, omg it's Chloe I hope she's okay !

I try to move but it's no use I feel like crying but I can't to that either I feel angry that I can't do anything, but why can't I move.

A/n- okay so that was just a short chapter today sorry I haven't updated I just habpvnt had the time and didn't think I wanted to continue it but here I am 😂

A/n2- can you plz comment down what you think about this fic please it would mean a lot if I could hear about what you think about it for the future ~ Erin 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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