Oh my god no!

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It was nearing the end of Friday the girls couldn't wait for the school day to end as they were going on a road trip to San Francisco  . Beca was telling Chloe about when she used to go with her parents every summer break so Chloe asked Beca if they could go this weekend. Of course Beca wanted to go but she thought it would be wired without her parents but Chloe gave her them puppy dog eyes and Beca had to give in. 

The bell signalled for the end of last period. Beca and Chloe were gathering there stuff together as they were meeting at the front gate. Beca brought Chloe to school in her car as they thought about goi g strait from school so they can spend as much time there together as possible as they only had till Sunday. 

Chloe's POV: 

Omg Becs I can't believe we're going  to San Francisco this wekend!  Chloe couldn't contain her excitement and launched in to tackle Beca. Whoa chlo don't be too excited we still have a 6 hour drive to do.  Of course they would love spending the time together in the car but they were both tired from a hard day at work.

Back to normal POV: 

Beca an Chloe were jamming out in the car when all of a sudden another car swerved into becas car and hit them. Both the girls screamed and didn't know what to do but just then Beca passed out and the from of the car had caught fire. The only thing  left to do was for Chloe to get becas unconscious body out of the vehicle. Chloe knew that some thing was broken as it was preventing her to move her legs, as the fire was getting heavier and smoke was poring into the car she had to get it over with. Tears were streaming down her face as she did so. She let go a sigh of relief as she heard sirence of the ambulance just outside the car there were men shouting for help tog et them out. Luckily one man ma she'd to kick down a window  and unlock the door. Chloe quickly dragged becas body first and saw that strait away she was getting oxygen and getting wheeled away in the back of an ambulance. It was then Chloe's turn to get out she shouted as much as her voice could go to shout ' help, pleas somebody get me out' people them rushed to her side and got her out just in time as the car exploaded. 

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