She's in a what!

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Chloe woke up the next day with a throbbing head quickly to temper what happened the day before. He sat up quickly, almost to quick as she started getting dizzy. 

Oh hey Chloe your awake my name is DR jones and I'll be your doctor till you get out  Chloe nodded silently not knowing what to say next your probably wondering what happened right? Well u were in a car crash u and your friend Beca.  Chloe almost forgot about Beca was she okay "omg is Beca okay I have to see her" Chloe tried standing but nearly fell. woah slow down there  your legs are broken you can feel them because they are numb you have to take it easy.  "But doctor I have to see Beca I need to know if she is okay, what about her parents and mine do they know? Yes your parents have been notified and said they will be here as soon as possible and I will let you know about Beca when her parents are here and we have finished running her tests . 

Chloe was hoping she is okay she couldn't have the thought in her head it's all her fault. I mean she was the one who wanted to go this weekend and tried to convince Beca to take her so it is all her fault. Chloe had tears streaming down her face at the thought and stayed like that until she heard the door open. It was her mum. Her mum ran to her Chloe's side, thanking that she was okay, well as well as she can be at the moment. 

"Oh my god Chloe I'm so happy your okay, but where's Beca how is she doing" " I don't know mum, they won't let me know until her dad and step mum are hear I'm really worried all of this is my fault" "honey none of this is your fault, you were not to know that this was going to happen". But Chloe couldn't let it go. "No mum please you don't understand, I am the reason she Is in here I practically had to beg her to take me I was so selfish, it's all my fault" Chloe started banging her fists again her bed feeling angry at herself that she let it happen.

Chloe's mum just held her, she didn't know what else to do so they just waited and hoped becas parents arrived soon.


It's been 4 hours since Chloe's mum had arrived and finally in came becas. 

"Omg I'm so happy your here now I haven't been told anything because they need you there aswell" 

"Oh I'm sorry Chloe if I knew they were waiting for us we would have left earlier" said Sheila. "It's okay your both here now" 

Dr jones came back into the room with becas results. They were all so anxious to know if she was okay. Chloe the most. He started talking about she had some sort of bleed in the brain when she hit her head. But he said she was stable. They were all so relieved to hear that until they heard what else he had to say. But of course more problems occurred earlier she woke up in such a state that she passed out again and I'm sorry to tell you this has fallen into a coma we don't know how long she will stay like that for but if she doesn't wake up soon we are going to have to pull the plug. 

He left them after that to process the information he had just given them. All of them were crying Chloe especially as she still thinks it's all her fault. 

The bit that really got Chloe was when she was going to wake up. She doesn't even think she can go back home knowing that her potential girlfriend is in a coma 3 hours away. And having to go to work where they both go, walking passed her room all day. 

Later on that day Chloe had been told she was allowed to see Beca. She was nervous because she didn't know what to expect. Chloe walked into her room slowly and shut the door, she walked over to her bed and saw her hooked up with all these wires with a drip and  a tube in her throte so she can breath. Chloe didn't know what to do or what to say so she just sat there and held her hand. 

Chloe then drifted asleep still holding becas hand.        

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