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It was getting to the end of 5th period and Chloe was stressed. The kids today in her class had been an absolute nightmare and for Chloe this isn't the norm.

The bell rang motioning the kids to go home. Thank got today's over Chloe thought. She was staying an extra hour though working through scripts of the play when Beca came through the door. "I  not interrupting anything am I" Beca said "I just thought you could use some company"" no, not at all" Chloe motioned her to come in. "So what u doing Chloe" "oh you know just the normal script work, the kids in my last class were really stressing me out there never like that maybe there just having one of there off days" "yeah mine get like that too but the music tends to calm them down a lot" 

Chloe was now at home preparing for her dinner feeling a lot more calm after she had talked to Beca. She gets like that a lot, she feels like she can tell Beca anything, she's also getting to trust her a lot more. 

Chloe spent the rest of the evening watching her favourite films whilst eating popcorn and drinking pop. This is the life she said to herself and slowly found herself drifting asleep.


Today is Saturday wooo!! She didn't have any plans weekend so she was just lying in bed until her phone rang, it was Beca. 

Chloe: hey Becs

Beca: hey Chloe, I was just wondering if you were doing anything this weekend?

Chloe: no, got no plans.

Beca: good. Would you maybe want to stay the weekend I know we're adults but I'm still a kid at heart and loves a good sleepover. 

Chloe: hahaha yeah sure what time do you want me? 

Beca: come whenever your ready I have no one coming around

Chloe: ok becs see you soon.

Beca: bye.

Chloe started getting ready she was so glad Beca asked her to hang out for the weekend otherwise she would be bored out of her brain. That would not make her be in a good mood on a Monday morning. 

A/N so there's chapter 9 I hope you will enjoy. Ughhh it's really annoying also that I have no pattern and to the people messaging me I don't know I just upload whenever I'm bored or not doing anything byeeee~erin 

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