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Chloe's POV:

I saw Mitchell as I was walking back to class. I really liked her, like more than friends. Maybe like we're not even friends yet but we could be?.

I ran a little just to catch her up a bit further. God she walks fast!
C: hey.
B: hi, Chloe right?
C: yah hi that's me.
c: so umm I was like wondering if you would like to you know umm grab coffee with me at lunch?
B: yeah sure that sounds great there's a Starbucks 5 minuets down the road we could go there?
C: yah that's great, see you at lunch.
B: yah bye
C: bye. I did it I asked beca for coffee i know it's only coffee but I really like her and I want to know at least one person in this school, also she's like really hot ;).
It was 3rd period, there is only 10 mins left which means there was only 10 mins left until I go to get coffee with beca. I was getting nervous, I have this wired stomach feeling a bit like butterflies. I don't even know if she is even gay or even bisexual yet, I mean she could have a boyfriend. I'd be happy for her if she was but extremely jealous of who gets to kiss this hot, gorgeous, alternative girl.

Becas' POV:
I am nervous about meeting Chloe for coffee she seems nice... and happy, maybe a bit too happy but maybe she was nervous she seemed it. I don't know why it's not like we're even friends. I just thought I would agree because I normally sit alone at lunch I thought it would be good to have some company. I hope I made the right decision.


Chloe and beca were on there way to get coffee, they were in becas' car seeing as it was becas' idea to go to Starbucks. There was silence in the car but neither of them found it as an uncomfortable silence. In fact Chloe liked it, it means she has less chance of saying some thing she would regret.They pulled up in the parking lot of Starbucks and both got out the car. It was busy, beca wouldn't of suggested this if she new it would be busy. "So Chloe, what you having?" "I think I'll just have a caramel latte please." "Okay I'll go get it I'll be back in a sec" "here" Chloe hands her money, but beca turns it away. "It's fine I've got it" "you sure?" "Yes I'm sure" "okay" Chloe and beca sat and drank there coffees and got to know each other a little better.
They soon finished of there coffees and drove back to the school just in time for 4th period. "Thanks for that Chloe, I had a great lunch and I hope we could do it again maybe tomorrow?" "Yah it's no problem I had a great lunch, nice to be able to know someone, tomorrow sounds great" "right well I better be going" "yeah me too" "see you later Chloe" "bye beca"

Sorry for the late update guys I've been finding it hard on thinking what to write I hope this isn't boring. I know I'm not the best of writer but I try lol. Thanks for reading.~erin

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