Monday lunch time...

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It was a Monday lunch time just after the bell signaling the kids to get their lunch and Beca decided to go to Chloe's classroom to see if she wanted to go out for lunch.

But unfortunately as she approached the door she could already see Chloe eating her lunch. 

Either way it didn't stop Beca from going in. 

"Hey Chloe" Beca said as she walked through the door. "Hey becs what's up?" "Oh you know just the usual, just wanted to see how you were because I haven't seen u all this morning, didn't think you were in" Beca said. "Oh yah well I'm in, I'm glad you have popped in to see me I was getting a bit lonely." "Yah well I'm just going to get lunch and I'll come back if that's ok with you?" Beca asked being the awkward person she is she felt the need to ask as she didn't want to feel as if she was intruding, because Chloe has a very good way of keeping herself looking positive when she's not. "Yes of cause becs that's fine." 

Beca returned with her lunch 10 minuets later with half an hour of lunch to spare.

Beca and Chloe were eating there lunch in a comfortable silence.

Chloe felt a stair so she looked up locking eyes with Beca as she noticed a small smirk appeared on the girls lips. Before she new it she saw Beca leaning in Chloe knowing that this is what she has wanted since the start she leaned it too feeling the girls breath as their lips interlocked. Beca kissed Chloe passionately and whilst kissing Chloe she mentally praised herself for making the move as she felt Chloe kissing her back. 

Soon Beca leaned back and broke up the kiss. They smiled at each other. 

"Omg" was the only thing the girls could say they were both so happy. 

"Wow Becs that was amazing" Beca blushed at the comment and stuffed her fave with a bite of her burger not knowing what to say back as Chloe giggles Beca let out a small laugh too.

"So umm what do we do now I mean I think we jpboth just prived that we like each other" said Beca as she didn't know what else to say. " I want to be with you beca!" Chloe near enough shouted. "I think I would like that too" said Beca. 

They both couldn't conceal their joy so they did it by kissing each other. The kiss was full of passionate and lust to show that they really meant what they love each other.

So there you go guys a bit of a longer chapter for you. I don't know whether I have moved it on too quickly but I couldn't contain it any longer I hope it's alright. Next post will probably be next week some time or maybe earlier dependes on the views I guess. I like to know if people are reading my story before I carry it on. Till next time ~ Erin

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