Starting Out

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There once was a lonely man. Traveling through time in his mysterious blue box. To most, he was called The Doctor. His box was called the TARDIS. Meaning Time and Relative Dimension in Space. He was so very lonely because he was the last of his kind. Time Lords. As you might have guessed, he's an alien. Not like the gross looking kind. The human looking kind. He was also thought to quite handsome. Especially by someone in particular.

Her name was Rose. 19 years old when she met The Doctor. When their eyes met, you could literally see thousands of fireworks all around them. Back then, he was different. Literally, like he looks nothing like he does now. Not by face surgery or anything. I should probably tell you that Time Lords can pretty much cheat death by "regenerating". That means they pretty much turn into someone completely different, but they still have the same brain and body. Since The Doctor (in his 9th regeneration at the time) was without a companion, he asked Rose and she accepted.

The Doctor and Rose had great time traveling adventures. Battling enemies, meeting aliens and other people. Everything was all fine and dandy until one fateful day, The Doctor had to change again.

The Doctor took Rose to present day Paris café. As he went inside to order some lattés, Rose sat alone at the table.

"I wonder why The Doctor would bring me here? They have plenty of cafés back home," she thought out loud to herself.

When The Doctor came back with the lattés, he heard an odd sound. It sounded like 2 drums beating at the same time.

"Are you alright, Doctor?" Rose asked.

"Um, yes. I'm fine. Here's the lattés," he responded.

"EX-TER-MINATE!" said a voice in the background.

The Doctor jumped out of his seat, turned around, and saw a Dalek fleet surrounding the Eiffel Tower.

"Great. The Daleks are back," The Doctor said, annoyed.

"Well, what do they want with the Eiffel Tower?" she asked again.

"I don't know, but they need to be stopped," he answered while running to the tower.

Continued in part 2

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