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"You know what?"
"I love you!"

'Huhhh... seing this drama making me jealous of the couple..' you grumble as you are still single. You quickly changed the channel.

"Jagiya~ what r u doing?"
"I'm running in your hearttt..."

'Huhhh.. again? Why must it be a romantic drama??' You change to another channel..

"Babe, you know right that i will always protect you unti-"

You quickly turn off the tv.. you are so bored that you think you need to go and get some fresh air. You text your friend if she is busy or not.

You-Hani, r u free rite now?
Hani-Yeah, why?
You-You want to go n watch a movie?
You-What's the title?
Hani-Boss baby!!!
You-Seriously Hani?
Hani-Yes I'm serious! -_-
You-K fine...
Hani-The movie starts at 2:15 pm today.. now, it's 1 pm sharp.. I'll be there at about 1:50 or 2.. Make sure you come!

You throw your phone softly to the table. You close your eyes for a while in a wish that u can rest for a while.


Now, you're at the cinema waiting fof your friend. While you're waiting for Hani, you saw a sweet couple. You feel so jealous that u want to be one of them so bad...

"Hoi! What r u looking at?"

"Ahhhh! Kapjagiya!"

"Woopsay! Sorry.. ouhhh, so you're looking at those sweet couple hah? If you're jealous go get so-"


"Woo woo! Relax!! I'm sorry..."

You rolled your eyes showing that u r really sick of her attitude. Without her, you keep going..

"Ya wait for me!"

You don't care about her. You keep going faster. But suddenly, you accidently bump into someone.

"I'm sooo sorry. Are you okay?" You apologize and ask if he okay or not, but he...


"I've said sorry right?" You replied him bravely.

"But it's not enough!" His voice is like he want something, with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" You ask with an afraid feeling.

"I want you." He said sweetly.. but you don't believe him cuz his face looks like a playboy. Lol

"GO Y/N! ACCEPT HIS LOVE!" Hani shouted from the back.


The guy laughs so hard, n that makes you feel curious, so you ask him.

"Why do you laugh?"


He stop laugh.. He took out his hand and said,

"Hi! I'm..... in love." His friends heard that and laugh. It makes you feel so shy..

"Come on! Take my hand already!"

You took his hand n you replied,

"Hi too! I'm..... taken. Go die!"

"Is it? But I heard you shouted just now.." he said with a smirk on his face

"How? Are you a stalker huh?? How can your ear heard my soft shout???" You're so curious right now..

"Cuz I can hear anything what my love said.."

"Stop it!"

"Stop what??"

"Stop making my heart melt!"

"Then stop making my heart flutter!"

"Waaaa, you all see? She started to falling in love with me." His friends continue to laugh.

"Urggghhh! Such a playboy! Bye!"

You kept walking but he stop you from walking by hugging you from tge back and he whispered,

"I'm not a playboy. I'm just a normal guy that are now falling in love with a girl named y/n. I never felt like this before, the unknown feel keep on disturbing me... I've never done this to another girl.. My feelings when I'm with you and my ex is so much diffrent.. Maybe I'm easy to fall in love, but I'm always loyal to someone who I really love.. and that person is you..."

He stop from hugging you and went infront of you. He kneel and said,

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Stand up you whatever you r called. I dunno your name. Everybody is watching!"

"Just say yes!"
It's a shout from everybody aroud you and YoungMin.

"If you can accept all my weakness, if you can be my mirror, if you can be half of my life, if you can protect me from danger, so, why not?" You said.

"Yes I will accept all your weakness, I'll be your mirror, I will be half of your life and i will always protect you from everything. So? What is your answer?"

"I'll say yes!"

He's so happy n hugged you happily..

"Let's go watch some movies!" He said happily.

"What movie?" You asked.

"Boss baby. Hahahahahaha!"

"Y do you laugh? It's not funny!"

"Yes it is! U said that u don't like boss baby. Hahahaha!"


"You said that to Hani...

"What?? So you're stalking me from the start??? You're such a stalker!"

"It doesn't matter babe.. I'm just stalking my girlfriend right?"

"Huhhh.. By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm your boyfriend, but u don't know my name??" He asked and pouted.

"Of course! You never tell me your name. That's why."

"Ok, let's get known to each other.. Hallu, my name is Lee Young Min. I'm 23 years old. My height is about 181 cm and my weight is about 66 kg. And one thing you may want to know about me is, I'm taken by a girl name y/n."

"Hello too, my name is y/n, I'm y/a years old. My height is y/h cm and my weight is about y/w. One thing you really need to know about me is, I'm taken by a man name Lee Young Min."

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