Chapter One

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I heard my mom yell, and it woke me up instantly. 

"Savannah get down here, or you're going to be late for school!" 

Gosh, I've been so excited to leave for Magcon tonight that I forgot all about school today. I ran into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put my hair into a pony tail, ran into my room put on some black high waisted shorts and plain white t-shirt, and hurried down the stairs putting on my all-black vans. 

"Mom I'm leaving! See you um. after school?"

"Ok sweetie! Have a good day!"

I ran outside and Aaliyah was waiting outside. 

"Wow, you're late." 

said Aaliyah starting to back out of my drive way. 

"Omg I know. I was too excited thinking about seeing Nash tonight, I couldn't sleep. I miss him. It's been like three years. I was so surprised to hear from him on my birthday. " 

I said, I could feel I was starting to blush just talking about him. What am I going to do when I actually see him in person? 

"Well, you guys were bestfriends for the longest time. Of course he's going to call you on your 16th birthday! Turning 16 is so important. Plus, you guys were totally in love. No way he's not going to call you. I'm just surprised he hasn't called sooner. "

"Oh, shut up. He was not in love with me. He has always had a crush on Katie."

"Mm. Yeah. Whatever you say, Savannah."

We got to school like five minutes late. We stopped by the office to so I could drop off the notes and paper work about leaving school and all that stuff. 

"You girls better get to class, now!" 

"Yep. I'm defiantly not going to miss her while I'm gone!" 

I yelled as I ran in the other direction of Aaliyah to my locker. When I turned around the corner I ran into someone, making myself and him fall hard on the ground. 

"Watch out speed-racer" 

said Zach as he helped me up, and helped me pick up the stuff that fell out of my bag. 

"Um. Thanks!" 

I said trying to put on a smile. I could tell it wasn't working too well. I missed talking to Zach, but I couldn't be around him and not think about what he did. Zach and I dated for 9 months. Things were good most times, but Zach was one of the guys that all the girls at school wanted. He was amazing! Who wouldn't want him? I was lucky to have him to myself for 9 months. Or I thought I had him to myself. Zach and I broke up because I caught him cheating on me with one of the new girls we got about a month ago.  

"Where you headed to?"

"My locker. I have to um. I have to pick up some things."

"Yeah.. I heard your leaving for awhile?" 

"Yeah. I'm going on this tour thing with Nash and a couple of his friends. " 

"What tour thing?"

"Like um. It's called the Magcon Tour. The people that are already there are like. Viners and Youtubers."

"Oh. So you are going because of the YouTube videos you make every once in awhile?"


"What do you do?"

"Um we pretty much um like travel to places and meet our fans. It sounds really cool, and fun!"

"For how long?" 

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