Chapter Ten.

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It's been about a couple weeks since Cameron and I broke up. Things have actually been a lot easier. I miss him a lot though. We've talked a few times, but not actually having a real conversation, only things like hey, or if either of us know where something is. It's weird. I really want Cameron and I to be friends, again. I just want to talk to him, without either of us getting mad about something. I just don't know if that's going to happen anytime soon. 

I was the first one to wake up this morning. I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I got in the shower, got ready, and left to take a walk. Not sure where to walk yet, but the fresh air was nice, and relaxing. It was pretty warm out, and the sun was shining so bright. It was a real beautiful morning. I ended up walking to the park, because there was a lot of people there, and I wanted to see what was going on. 

It seems like there was going to be one of those i don't know, um those 5-mile run things. There were four girls, and four boys, and they were all in their teens. 


said one of the boys. 

"Oh um. Hi!"

I said with a shy smile. He was way cute. 

"Are you here to run?"

"Oh gosh no. Are you?"

"Yeah, so you're here to watch?"

"I just came to see what was going on. Never seen this many people at the park before."

he laughed, his laugh was so adorable.

"My names Jake"


"Well, Savannah. If you stay and wait for me to finish the race, maybe we could uh go somewhere and hang out?"

"Umm. Yeah. Sounds good" 

I said, I could tell that I was starting to blush. I know it's only been a couple weeks since Cameron and I broke up, but this felt right. 

"See you after then"

he said with a smile, and then went over to the starting line. The race started, and now I wait. What am I supposed to do until he gets back? He seems super nice, and it'll be cool to hang out with someone other than the guys. I love them all, but I need someone new to talk to. 


It's been like 45 minutes, and a lot of the runners were coming back, and Jake was the second one. He came right over to me, and gave me a high-five. Even being all sweaty and stuff, he was cute. 

"You actually waited"

he said all out of breath

"Of course"

I said with a smile, and he smiled back. 

He walked over to get a bottled water, and then came back over to me. 

"So, where do you wanna go?"

"Ummm. Anywhere sounds good."

We ended up going to get something to eat, and we talked for what seems like forever. We just talked about anything and everything. I'm not usually so open with people, but I ended up telling him everything. Like, how and why Zach and I broke up. about the thing with choosing between Nash and Cameron. About how I felt when Cameron was with Shelby. How I chose Cameron, and that Nash and I stayed bestfriends. How Zach and Aaliyah slept together. and how Cameron and I broke up, and all that kind of stuff. and he told me a lot about his life, too. 

It's been like two hours, and we both had to head back. He walked me to the front of the hotel, because the same with Zach, it'd be weird if he walked me to my door. 

"We should hang out again sometime soon, and when I'm not so sweaty"

"Yeah, sounds good" 

we gave each other a quick hug, and he went in his direction, and I went inside. I was surprised how easy it was to talk to him. Things were never that easy with Zach or Cameron. Especally Cameron. I was always nervous on what to tell him, but not with Jake. but now I'm nervous what to say if they ask me where I've been. If they were even there. I walked in, and surprisingly they all were. 

"Hey, you"

"Hey, Nash. 

"Where the heck have you been"

"I took a walk and stuff. Did you know there was one of those 5 mile runs at the park today?"

"No. I didn't know they actually did those"

"Yeah. I stayed and watched. It was pretty cool, man."

"How long have you been gone?"

"Oh, I don't know. I left before you guys woke up."

"We've been up for like two or three hours"

"Then I guess I've been gone that long"

"Cameron wants to talk to you"


oh gosh, no. I can't talk to him right now

"Yeah. He's been waiting all day for you to come back"

"Why would he do that"

"So he can talk to you. Don't worry, he doesn't want to get back together"


"He.. Uh. He doesn't?"


"Oh.... not ever?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should go talk to him. He's in the other room"

oh. that room. I left our room, and went to that one, and saw Cameron. He looked up, and smiled. He hasn't smiled at me in a super long time. I was happy that he was happy to see me.

"Hey, Cam.."

"Hey, Savannah"

"Um.. What's up?"

"I want to talk to you"

"I know. Nash told me"

"How are you, Savannah?"

"I'm good...."

could this be anymore awkward? 

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For hurting you. Savannah, I want you to know that I never planned on doing that. I never wanted to. I feel aweful for doing that. and you need to know that it'll never happen again."

"I know, Cameron. I'm sorry, too. For lying to you, and for not telling you how I felt about things."

"I miss talking to you."

"I miss talking to you, too. The only time you've talked to me is to ask me if I knew where something was"

"Yeah, I know. Every time I asked you, I actually knew exactly where it was. I just wanted to talk to you" 

he said with a smile. 

We talked about it all for awhile, and now things were back to normal. Not back together, but friends. That's ok with me, though. 

Complicated /c.dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن