Chapter Seven.

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For the past three weeks I've had to watch Cameron and Shelby be all over each other. I told Cameron not to break up with her, so why was it still bothering me? Probably because I thought I wouldn't have to see them together. All I want to do is grab him and kiss him, without feeling the guilt. 

Nash and I talked through everything, and it's all back to normal. We both agreed that we would stay just friends, bestfriends. That's what we were best at. Nash and Lauren did eventually start dating, and it was cute. Their relationship looked real, until Cameron and Shelby's. You could tell that Shelby was working harder in that relationship than Cameron was. Why would he keep her around if he wasn't even feeling it? Was he just doing this to make me jealous? 

We all got on the plane to New Jersey. I really don't know why Shelby and Lauren were coming along, but whatever. 

The seat situation was Jack, Jack, and Carter. Then Matt, Taylor and Aaron. Hayes, Nash and Lauren. Mahogany, me and Shawn, then Cameron and Shelby. 

The flight was actually kind of quiet. Everyone pretty much kept to their self. 

The flight landed and we got to our hotel. Mahogany, me, Lauren, Shelby, Shawn, Matt, and Taylor in one room, and Nash, Cameron, Carter, Aaron, Hayes, Jack, and Jack in the other room. I really don't know why they even bothered splitting us up, we all hung out in one room most of the time. 

It was still a little early, so I decided to take a walk, remembering that, that was the first thing I did when I got to Orlando, except this time I was alone. 

The view was amazing. The sun was setting, and the city lights looked perfect. The walk to the park was nice, and quiet. Super peaceful. I've been so annoyed and stressed about Cameron, and it was over nothing, really. I knew nothing special was actually going to happen. Besides, I was only here for awhile. What were we going to do when we both go back home? It's not like we leave anywhere near each other! I don't know. That's not something I have to worry about anymore. I need to just get over Cameron, and get that he has a girlfriend through my head. 

"Nice out here, isn't it?" 

I looked up and saw Carter. Did he follow me out here? 

"Yeah, it is."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Just needed to take a walk, what about you?"

"Same. I always come out here when I'm in this part of New Jersey."

"Really? You come out here a lot?"

"Not a lot. Every once in awhile." 

I just smiled. I never talked to Carter one-on-one. 

"So, um. If you don't mind me asking... Um you and Cameron?"

"Uhh. What do you mean, me and Cameron?"

"C'mon. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why don't you just tell him how you feel, Savannah."

"I have told him... Well, sort of. Besides, it doesn't really matter. He has a girlfriend. I don't want to mess that up, and I didn't come here to try to have a relationship with anyone. I came here to meet some fans."

"Yeah.. You're right, but Cameron likes you. He really does. He also likes Shelby, but he likes you more! He told us he asked Shelby out because you told him to go for it. Why would you tell him that if you didn't actually want him to? Girls are complicated to figure out."

he said, laughing. He was right though. 

"Oh, Carter. I don't know. We are pretty complicated, but a girl never messes with a boy when he has a girlfriend. Or well, that's what my mom taught me. I'm not sure what a lot of these girls are thinking when they try to mess with another girls boyfriend." 

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